Treating Spasmophilia with Homeopathy

Spasmophilia is a disorder that results in unpleasant discomfort and cramps. The use of homeopathy improves the general condition of the spasmophilic patient.

Spasmophilia is not a disease but a state of hypersensitivity of the nerves and muscles. It usually manifests itself in psychological and physical disorders in the form of spasms. It is caused by a magnesium deficiency and is more likely to affect women. Spasmophilic is also a person who is very vulnerable to the environment around him and to the stress of everyday life.

Main symptoms of spasmophilia

The symptoms of spasmophilia begin with the appearance of tingling on several parts of the body (face, arms, legs) with or without muscle cramps and dizziness. Spasms can occur on other parts of the body and result in a tight throat, a knot in the stomach, intestinal colitis and contractions of the uterus. In some cases, muscle and joint pain is widespread and the jaws are under tension.

Spasmophilia can also be associated with other symptoms such as asthenia (severe fatigue), blurred vision (shaky eyelids), hearing (buzzing) and rapid heart rate (tachycardia). Sleep disorders, respiratory tightness and depression are also symptoms of spasmophilia. In extreme cases, the patient is depressed, melancholic and may even have suicidal tendencies.

Treatment of spasmophilia

The treatment mainly consists of 3 steps: a calcium and magnesium supplement, a trace element intake and a basic homeopathic treatment. In concrete terms, it is a question of first taking homeopathic tablets of calcium and magnesium to regulate the reserve of these minerals. It is then advisable to take 1 dose of Cuprum metallicum 15 CH at the first signs of an attack as well as 5 granules of Ignatia amara 9 CH per day in order to reduce hypersensitivity.

When to see a doctor?

It is recommended to consult a doctor if the patient's condition does not improve 72 hours after treatment. The recurrence of symptoms in a recovered individual is also a warning sign.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


To treat spasmophilia, it is possible to combine homeopathy with traditional medicine or herbal medicine. It is sufficient to take homeopathic remedies 15 minutes before or 60 minutes after other treatments.

  1. Main symptoms of spasmophili ...
  2. Treatment of spasmophilia
  3. When to see a doctor?

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