Tuberculinum is a homeopathic remedy made from animal strains, more specifically from the culture of bovine or human mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes tuberculosis. It is especially recommended in cases of psychological and somatic imbalances. However, it can also treat several acute and chronic infections.
Tuberculinum is prescribed in cases of angina manifested by inflammation of the tonsils, bronchitis and nasopharyngitis. It is also used to treat allergic colds such as hay fever or pollinosis, seromucosal otitis and cough. It also provides relief for people who suffer from asthma.
Tuberculinum is an effective treatment for recurrent styes that are located at the edge of the eyelids. It also cures herpes of the eyelids and conjunctivitis.
Tuberculinum is indicated in cases of constipation and diarrhoea due to poor diet, especially if the pain felt by the patient is in the stomach or liver and the disease is accompanied by jaundice. A treatment based on this homeopathic remedy will also be beneficial to people whose stools have a very bad smell and most of the time are expelled in jets.
Gynecology and urology
Tuberculinum is used to treat leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea. It also cures recurrent or persistent urinary tract infections, most often caused by Colobacilli.
Thanks to Tuberculinum, it is possible to get rid of recurrent boils on the nose or chin and white spots on the nails in case of zinc deficiency. This homeopathic remedy can even be used to treat panaris, abscesses, eczema and acne.
Other indications
Tuberculinum is also effective in reducing anxiety accompanied by hyperemotionality as well as in treating certain behavioral disorders. It can also be used to prevent spasms.
Recommended dosage for otolaryngological diseases and respiratory diseases
Nasopharyngitis, bronchitis, ear infections and allergic colds can be alleviated by taking a dose of Tuberculinum 30 CH, once a day, for 3 months. The same is true for chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma.
Dosage indicated in case of ophthalmological infections
To treat conjunctivitis, recurrent styes and vision problems, put a dose of Tuberculinum under the tongue once every 2 weeks. To be more effective, this remedy can be combined with Silicea 30 CH and/or Staphysagria 7 CH.
Recommended dosage in case of gastroenteric infections
Constipation and diarrhoea can be treated with Tuberculinum 15 CH or 30 CH. The recommended dose is 5 granules to be administered to the patient 2 times daily. For pain or burning in the liver or stomach, suck on a Tuberculinum 30 CH granule once every 15 days for 3 months.
Recommended dosage in case of gynaecological and urinary disorders
If the periods are too heavy or light, late or painful, take a dose of Tuberculinum 30 CH every 2 weeks, for 3 months. The dosage will be the same in the case of recurrent urinary tract infections.
Recommended dosage in case of dermatitis
To reduce pain due to ingrown toenails but also to treat boils, abscesses, and eczema, let a dose of Tuberculinum 30 CH melt under the tongue every 15 days, for 3 months. In the event of a recurrence, the treatment can always be repeated.
Other dosages
Behavioral disorders, anxiety and spasmophilia are also to be treated with a dose of Tuberculinum 30 CH, to be taken every 15 days for 3 months. In addition, it should be noted that this homeopathic remedy must be used outside of meals and that its effects are cancelled out by mint, coffee and tobacco.