Treating infectious diseases with Silicea

Silicea is a homeopathic medicine that has been specially designed to treat infectious diseases that cause chronic or acute suppuration.

Silicea is a homeopathic remedy based on anhydrous colloidal silica powder. Formulated as SiO2, silica is a chemical extracted from sand that is frequently used in optics. It allows the elaboration of the oxide that homeopaths have named Silicea. The latter allows for rapid healing of wounds that are accompanied by a discharge of pus. It is also effective in treating infectious diseases favored by humidity and cold. And as a tuberculin remedy, Silicea can even be used as a complement to other biochemical salts.

ENT and pulmonology

Colds, otorrhea - i.e. chronic pain felt in the ears - and sinusitis can be treated with Silicea. The same is true for nasopharyngitis or inflammation of the throat and/or nasal mucosa, which is common in the youngest children. Silicea is also indicated in case of recurrent respiratory infections in winter.


Silicea is used to treat blepharitis of the eye, or inflammation of the eyelids, which causes red eyes. It can also be used to get rid of pus-filled boils, commonly known as styes, that lodge at the edge of the eye or eyelids.

Gynecology and urology

Silicea relieves inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and fallopian tubes. This medication is also recommended in case of infection of the uterine lining, chronic cystitis and bladder cramps. Some kidney conditions can also be easily cured with Silicea treatment.


Silicea is mainly prescribed in cases of boiling acne, panaris, boils and weeping dermatosis. In addition, it removes whitish stains appearing on the appendages and effectively treats flutes or deformation of the nails.


Taking Silicea will be beneficial to people suffering from algodystrophy or demineralization of the bones, accompanied by terrible pain, growth epiphysitis, bone caries, rickets or inflammatory arthritis. This homeopathic remedy also fights against coccydynia and osteoporosis, which mainly affect the elderly.


Silicea is very effective in treating early dental caries as well as focal dental infections which are most often the cause of jaw deformity. It also helps to treat winter tonsillitis.


Silicea relieves atonic diarrhoea and constipation caused by a malabsorption syndrome. It is also an excellent remedy for pinworm manifesting itself as stomach pains and chronic coughs.


also prescribe Silicea in cases of general fatigue, difficulty concentrating and sleep disorders. In addition, they advise shy or frequently stressed people to use this remedy.

Dosage in case of ENT and respiratory tract infections

In case of otorhinolaryngological suppuration, take Silicea 30 CH at a rate of 5 granules, once a day during the first two months of treatment and once every thirty days for the last two months. On the other hand, a dose of Silicea 30 CH, to be put under the tongue once a week, is enough to treat respiratory infections.

Dosage in case of ophthalmological infections

The recommended dosage in case of ophthalmological infections will be the same as that recommended in case of ENT infections. But, if the patient is particularly sensitive to Silicea, the remedy will be used in low or medium dilution.

Dosage in case of gynaecological and urinary disorders

Suck one dose of Silicea 30 CH once a week, for four months, to treat uterine and vaginal infections as well as metritis. Do the same to treat urinary diseases.

Dosage in case of dermatitis

To get rid of boils and panaris, take 5 granules of Silicea 15 or 9 CH at the beginning of treatment, one dose of Silicea 9 CH when symptoms disappear, one dose of Silicea 15 CH on the penultimate day of treatment and one dose of Silicea 30 CH at the end of treatment. To treat a fungus located in the toes, use a dose of Silicea 15 CH every week for 3 months. In case of acne, 2 to 3 times a day for 3 months, 2 tablets of Silicea should be administered to the patient if he is an adult and 1 tablet if he is still a child over 6 years of age.

Dosage in case of rheumatological infections

The use of a dose of Silicea 15 CH per week, for 4 months, can treat rheumatological infectious or inflammatory diseases. For more effectiveness, the remedy can be combined with Calcarea Phosphorica.

Dosage in case of stomatological disorders

Oral diseases can be relieved by taking 5 granules of Silicea per day. The treatment should then last about a month.

Dosage in case of gastrointestinal disorders

In case of diarrhoea or constipation caused by a malabsorption syndrome, put 5 granules of Silicea 9 CH under the tongue once a day for three months. And in case of pinworm, take a dose of Silicea 30 CH every week for 3 months.

Dosage in case of behavioural disorders

A weekly dose of Silicea 30 CH helps to alleviate behavioural problems caused by fatigue, stress, insomnia and/or headaches. If it is combined with Tuberculium and Natrum muriaticum, this remedy also helps to fight against general fatigue.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine