Reducing the symptoms of oxyurase with homeopathy

Pruritus, digestive disorders and nervousness are, among other things, obvious signs of oxyurase, a disease that, fortunately, can be treated effectively and quickly with homeopathy.

The pinworm, or Enterobius vermicularis, is a round-shaped worm in the nemathelminth family and the nematode class. It can infest the human body, especially that of a child. The presence of this parasite, which can reach a centimeter long, in the intestine is not without consequences. It is this worm that is responsible for digestive parasitosis or oxyurasis. It is a contagious disease that usually occurs after ingesting food or inhaling dust contaminated with pinworm eggs, which hatch only in the stomach. The larvae then migrate to the small and large intestines to reach the anus and other surrounding organs.

Symptoms of pinworm The

main warning sign of pinworm is anal pruritus. It is an intense, sometimes unbearable itch that usually occurs during the evening and night and can cause scratching lesions or even skin infections. Nasal, ear or ocular pruritus are also telltale signs of digestive parasitosis. The latter can even cause digestive disorders, such as nausea, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea, or neuropsychological disorders such as irritability, nervous tics, nervousness and restlessness. It can also cause urinary problems, such as incontinence and bladder pain, or genital disorders - such as itching of the vulva or penis and vaginitis, or respiratory problems, such as cough, rhinitis and bronchitis. In addition, it is often accompanied by erythema, bacterial dermatitis, dermatosis or furunculosis. In any case, people who suffer from pinworm very quickly become thin and pale.

Treatment of pruritus

In case of nasal pruritus, take five granules of Cina 30 K, twice a day. To get rid of anal itching, administer three granules of Teuricum Marum 9 CH three times a day. And, in the presence of anal pruritus that worsens when the patient is in bed, use five granules of Sulfur 30 K twice daily.

Treatment of abdominal pain

The life cycle of pinworm in the stomach leads to digestive disorders and abdominal pain, more specifically colic. Therefore, five Cina 9 CH granules, to be taken every morning and evening, or three Spiella 9 CH granules, to be administered three times a day, are necessary.

Treatment of nervousness

If nervousness is associated with teeth grinding and urinary incontinence, suck on five granules of Cina 9 CH morning and evening. But, if it is accompanied by stuttering, take five granules of Spigelia 9 CH, twice a day.

When to see a doctor?

If, despite taking homeopathic remedies, the symptoms persist or disappear only slowly, the patient should consult a doctor. Similarly, if his treatment has already lasted 72 hours and no improvement has been noted, he is advised to no longer resort to self-medication. In particular, children and infants who have oxyurase and who mainly suffer from severe diarrhoea and/or who have stools containing blood should be hospitalised as soon as possible.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Homeopathy has a limited action against pinworm because it does not eliminate worms from the intestine. However, it is very effective in treating symptoms. It is also effective in preventing this disease and preventing recurrence.

  1. Symptoms of pinworm The
  2. Treatment of pruritus
  3. Treatment of abdominal pain
  4. Treatment of nervousness
  5. When to see a doctor?

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