Treating allergies and hay fever with Sabadilla

Made from the pollen of the cevadille, Sabadilla is an effective remedy for alleviating allergy-related pathologies and hay fever.

With greenish-yellow flowers arranged in clusters, the plant known as "la cévadille" or varaire sabadille, native to Central America, is the strain of the homeopathic remedy Sabadilla. It is the dried seeds of the cévadille that are used to make the mother tincture of this medicine. More specifically, it is the pollen of this plant from the liliaceae family that has made it possible to develop this remedy used in the treatment of ENT diseases, gastroenteritis and neurological reactions. Sabadilla also helps to relieve people suffering from gynecological disorders, nausea accompanied by vomiting and to fight lice.

Sabadilla is recommended for colds with a runny nose, a feeling of obstruction and burning of the nostrils, little irritation and sneezing. The patient feels itching or tingling in the nostrils and experiences a feeling of dryness in the upper nose.

Hay fever or pollinosis, caused by an allergy to pollen, can also be treated with Sabadilla. Pollinosis is manifested by itching of the throat, nose and eyes. The patient also complains of coughing, sneezing, insomnia, fatigue, runny nose and blocked nostrils. Hay fever can progress to complications such as sinusitis and asthma, which is why it is important to treat it as soon as possible with the homeopathic remedy Sabadilla, which can also be used as a preventive treatment.

Sabadilla is also used to treat inflammation of the pharynx or pharyngitis, which is accompanied by dryness of the throat and starts on the left side and progresses to the right side.

Indications in neurology

Sabadilla is indicated for the treatment of neurological disorders grouped under the name of cenestopathy. The patient believes that his skin is withered, his limbs are crooked, or that he has a disease that cannot be cured. If the patient is a woman, she will also feel like she is pregnant at the slightest bloating of the belly.

Indications in gastroenterology

Sabadilla can relieve a patient who has digestive disorders caused by worms. Very often, he becomes aware of the presence of worms as a result of anal itching. Sabadilla is also suitable for treating severe epigastric pain, loss of appetite or nausea after eating.

Other indications

Sabadilla is recommended to reduce pain in the ovaries. It helps relieve women who have late or light periods. In pregnant women, Sabadilla is prescribed in cases of nausea followed by abundant vomiting. In addition, this remedy is used to eliminate lice from the hair.

Recommended dosages in case of ENT disorders

To treat colds and pollinosis, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Sabadilla 15 CH three times a day at the time of attacks. When the attacks are intense, the patient can take the granules up to 6 times a day.

The preventive treatment of these conditions is done by taking 5 granules of Sabadilla 15 CH, once or twice a day for 3 months, starting one month before the pollination period. This treatment is to be combined with the intake, in the same dilution and quantity, of Euphrasia officinalis and Allium cepa.

For inflammation of the pharynx followed by dryness of the throat, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Sabadilla 5 CH morning, noon and evening.

Recommended dosage in case of neurological disorders

To relieve a patient suffering from cenestopathy, it is recommended to give him 5 granules of Sabadilla 15 CH per day until the disorders disappear.

Recommended dosage in case of gastroenteritis

Patients suffering from digestive disorders caused by worms should be relieved by taking 5 granules of Sabadilla 9 CH for one month, morning and evening.

Other dosages

To treat ovarian pain and menstrual cycle disorders, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Sabadilla 15 CH morning and evening for 3 months. Nausea in pregnant women can be alleviated by taking 3 granules of Sabadilla 5 CH, three to five times a day. To combat lice, it is advisable to mix Sabadilla mother tincture with Staphysagria in equal amounts and spray the mixture on the head every night, before bedtime. A single application is usually enough to make the lice disappear.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Sabadilla is also effective in treating people who are sensitive and sensitive and tend to dramatize their situation. The pain that gnaws at these people usually extends from their right side to the left side and gets worse with the cold and humidity.

  1. Indications in neurology
  2. Indications in gastroenterol ...
  3. Other indications
  4. Recommended dosages in case ...
  5. Recommended dosage in case o ...
  6. Recommended dosage in case o ...
  7. Other dosages