Treating Dacryocystitis with Homeopathy

Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the eye and can affect both adults and infants. It is characterized by painful or non-painful inflammation of the tear-nasal duct that can be treated with homeopathy.

Dacryocystitis is the inflammation of the tear duct and sac, located between the inner angle of the eye and nose. Sometimes, the tear sac becomes inflamed and visibly swollen. This inflammation can be suppurative and painful. In newborns, the pathology is usually due to a delay in the opening of the nasal orifice of the tear duct, which must have occurred in the first month of life. Tears do not drain from the tear sac and remain in the eye, which promotes the multiplication of bacteria, causing inflammation. The attending physician or pediatrician will therefore have to squeeze the child's nose or cheek to evacuate the pus, so that it does not obstruct the tear-nasal duct.

The main symptoms

The first telltale sign of dacryocystitis is continuous lacrimation. When the infection sets in, the patient experiences stabbing pains accompanied by a moderate fever. Sometimes an abscess forms and the suppuration becomes whitish while softening the swelling. Dacryocystitis comes in two forms. In an acute case, there is a red swelling of the lacrimon-nasal duct, hot and painful, accompanied by tearing. If the subject suffers from chronic dacryocystitis, apart from lacrimation, a small painless cyst, called mucocele, forms in the tear duct. However, it contains mucus that is evacuated through the tear duct by finger pressure.

Homeopathic remedies to treat dacryocystitis

In general, the treatment of dacryocystitis consists of antibiotics. As it is a pathology whose main symptom is lacrimation, the homeopathic attack remedy is Calendula Officinalis with a 3 DH dilution. Calcarea Sulfurica 4 Ch or 5 CH, 5 granules three times a day, is recommended to fight purulent infection and stop the proliferation of bacteria. Straphysagria 15 CH to 30 CH is also prescribed in cases of recurrent dacryocystitis, in 1 dose per week for 3 months.

When should you see a doctor?

A person who experiences eye strain or itchy eyes should always consult an ophthalmologist, who is the only one qualified to diagnose dacryoscystic. To find out if an infant has dacryocystitis, place a tissue alternately over one of his eyes. If he cries systematically, it is a sign that he is having trouble seeing with one eye, and consultation with a pediatrician is then urgent to have a diagnosis. If after homeopathic treatment, the symptoms do not disappear, it is highly recommended to see a specialist doctor.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


With the help of homeopathic remedies, which act like conventional antibiotics, dacryocystitis can be managed and treated effectively.

  1. The main symptoms
  2. Homeopathic remedies to trea ...
  3. When should you see a doctor ...

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