Calcarea sulfurica is a homeopathic remedy prepared from calcium sulfate. The latter is part of what is known in homeopathy as the 12 Schussler salts, mineral salts discovered by a German doctor who had studied Hahnemann's work. According to Dr. Schussler, a deficiency of one or more of these 12 elements would lead to the disease that can be cured by taking these same constituents in infinitesimal quantities. Calcium is best known for its role in the development and strengthening of bones and teeth. It is also indicated in several fields of medicine.
Calcarea sulfurica is a homeopathic remedy that is suitable for the treatment of many skin pathologies. It is particularly recommended in case of pustules or boils after inflammation of the hair follicles caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Calcarea sulfurica is also an effective remedy for a healthy glow. Indeed, it allows you to have healthy skin by treating eczema, impetigos, acne, beard pustules or hereset rashes. Calcarea sulfurica also helps to heal suppurating wounds by speeding up the healing process. It is a satellite remedy recommended in combination with Hepar Sulfur, in all forms of oozing and suppurating dermatoses. To recognize the signs, it is important to know that the symptoms worsen with cold and the slightest contact, while they improve with heat and fresh air. In addition, there is a yellowish suppuration sometimes tinged with blood.
Ophthalmic indications
The fields of action of this drug also extend to ophthalmology. Calcarea sulfurica is particularly recommended in cases of purulent conjunctivitis. Thanks to homeopathy, we can avoid taking antibiotics, which is often recommended as part of a conventional treatment. Indeed, conjunctivitis that is accompanied by purulent secretions implies infection by pathogenic bacteria. Calcarea sulfurica helps stop their proliferation while treating inflammation. Otherwise, this homeopathic remedy also treats keratitis, which is an inflammatory and ulcerative pathology of the cornea.
Indications in otorhinolarynology
Aremedy suitable for all forms of secretion and chronic yellowish discharge, Calcarea sulfurica is also recommended in cases of catarrhs of the bronchi and nose. The drug can also be used to treat purulent rhinitis or tracheitis accompanied by fatty expectoration (bronchitis, sinusitis).
Oral health
This homeopathic remedy is suitable for many cases of purulent inflammation. Thus, Calcarea sulfurica can be used in cases of gingivitis or inflammation of the gums that is accompanied by pus production, such as in the case of dental pyorrhea. Some practitioners recommend this remedy to cure dental cavities. Finally, Calcarea sulfurica is also used in the treatment of dental abscesses by accelerating the healing process while reducing the painful and burning sensation in the gums.
Calcarea sulfurica can also be used as adjuvant therapy in cases of inflammation of the vermicular appendix or appendicitis. It also helps to treat an abscess problem located in the anus area.
Recommended dosages in case of skin conditions
To combat the formation of pustules, low dilutions of Calcarea sulfurica 4 CH or 5 CH, at a rate of 5 granules morning, noon and evening, are often recommended. It is advisable to follow the treatment before the pustules develop chronically. In case of suppurating skin conditions, it is often recommended to combine Calcarea sulfurica with other similar homeopathic remedies, such as Hepar sulfur or Baryta carbonica. Low dilutions of Calcarea sulfurica accelerate the process of pus accumulation, while high-dilution remedies prevent its formation.
the event of a dental abscess, it is advisable to take Calcarea sulfurica 5 CH, at a rate of 5 granules two to three times a day, in combination with Belladona or Hepar sulfur and alternating medications. If symptoms persist, a medical consultation is necessary.