Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a pathology that affects many people and whose manifestation is annoying and sometimes even very difficult to live with, because it cannot be hidden even in public. However, homeopathy offers a host of medications that will help the patient manage this disease, or even cure it.
Definition of hyperhidrosis
Sweat is produced by the sweat glands distributed under the skin. Derived from the Greek hyper meaning excess and hidrĂ´s meaning sweat, hyperhidrosis refers to the excessive production of sweat by the body to regulate body temperature. When sweating is limited to the armpits, palms of the hands, soles of the feet or face, it is called localized hyperhidrosis. Exceptionally extensive over the entire body, it is said to be generalized. The causes of this disease are diverse. These include obesity, taking certain medications, hormones, certain diseases, or more often emotional factors such as stress and emotionality.
Symptoms of hyperhidrosis
The main symptom is excessive sweating localized to the armpits, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and face. More rarely, it can affect the whole body and becomes overabundant to the point of wetting clothing. These symptoms occur during physical exertion, during periods of high heat, or following a strong emotion.
Possible homeopathic treatments
Homeopathic treatment, which is always targeted, will be either symptomatic or a disease-modifying treatment. The dosage is often three (03) granules per day. These substances can be obtained in pharmacies in the homeopathy section or from specialists in homeopathic remedies.
For a symptomatic treatment of bad odors in the armpits, consider Sepia 9CH. Silicea 9CH makes odors disappear in the feet and for the body in general, Thuya 9CH is the right remedy. As for hot sweats, they are treated with Chamomilla 9CH.
For hyperhidrosis caused by obesity, Calcarea carbonica 9CH is appropriate. For hyperhidrosis occurring after physical exertion or fatigue, China 9CH will be recommended. Mercurius solubilis 9CH will help the fever patient not to sweat too much. To relieve hyperhidrosis caused by a fright, Opium 9CH will be prescribed and if the disease is due to a strong emotion, Sepia 9CH is the most effective. If hyperhidrosis occurs in the morning upon waking, Sambuscus 9CH will be of great help.
In case of hyperhidrosis during menstruation, Veratrum album 9CH will relieve the patient. If hyperhidrosis has an undetermined origin or occurs during menopause, Pilocarpus jaborandi 9CH will dimute symptoms in a progressive manner.
When should you think about consulting a doctor?
Hyperhidrosis is a chronic condition. The decision to go to the doctor is therefore up to the patient when he or she feels that his or her sweating problems are becoming really bothersome. But generally speaking, recourse to the doctor is only recommended in the event of failure of other forms of treatment (homeopathy, natural method, etc.). Also consult a doctor immediately in case of sudden, nocturnal hyperhidrosis or hyperhidrosis accompanied by weight loss.