Treating Algodystrophy with Homeopathy

Algodystrophy is a painful syndrome that usually affects the joints. Although to date there is no cure for this disease completely, the inconvenience it causes can be relieved with homeopathy.

Algodystrophy is a painful bone syndrome due to trauma after surgery. It is characterized by two phases, the hot phase and the cold phase, and is manifested by a set of painful symptoms.

The different phases of algodystrophy

There are two phases of algodystrophy: the hot phase and the cold phase. The initial or hot phase consists of the appearance of spontaneous pain, of variable and intermittent intensity. These pains will then become throbbing, unbearable and deep. As for the cold phase, it results in a retraction of the muscles and tendons leading to impotence with a reduction in pain, except during movement.


As a syndrome, algodystrophy is manifested by symptoms of osteoporosis, aphthosis and rheumatism. Thus, there is the appearance of edema, excessive sweating, a growth disorder of hair, hair or nails, hypersensitivity of the skin, thinning of bone tissue and difficulty in making movements.

Homeopathic treatment

Although there is no cure for algodystrophy, homeopathy can relieve the patient's pain. Thus, Calcarea phosphorica 5 CH is effective in treating pain. It is to be taken at a rate of 5 granules per day for 2 months. For osteoporosis symptoms, use Silicea 7 CH when you wake up, Symphitum 5 CH at bedtime and a dose of Natrum Mur 9 CH on Sunday. For chronic rheumatism, use a dilution of 4 CH to 9 CH of Causticum, Rhus Tox and Sulphur. To treat muscle and contractive pain, take Cimicifuga 4 CH and Dulcamara 4 CH if the pain is aggravated by rain and humidity. On the other hand, symptoms aggravated by good weather and cold are relieved by Causticum 4 CH. If heat accentuates symptoms, take Apis 4 CH. Finally, use Kalium Sulfurium against wandering pains.

When to consult a doctor

In the event of a sudden decrease in height, sensory disorders, skin problems or prolonged immobilization that reflect a high risk of osteoporosis, a medical consultation is necessary. Consulting a doctor is recommended if, following taking bisphosphonates, bone or abdominal pain followed by nausea or vomiting, or pain when swallowing and also if redness or rashes appear on the skin. If no improvement is seen after homeopathic treatment, consulting a doctor is the best solution.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Homeopathy, with its various remedies that treat the different symptoms of algodystrophy, is able to relieve the patient of the pain and disorders caused by this pathology.

  1. The different phases of algo ...
  2. Symptoms
  3. Homeopathic treatment
  4. When to consult a doctor

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