Relieving osteitis with homeopathy

Osteitis is an inflammatory process of bone tissue. The use of homeopathy helps to alleviate infectious syndromes and cure the disease.

Osteitis is a microbial infection of the bones that can be contracted through the bloodstream. It is caused by a systemic pathology and is known as osteomyelitis. Metastatic osteitis originates from a distant focus. An extremely rare case, osteitis can also be of fungal or parasitic origin.

Presentation of the pathology

Osteitis is an inflammatory disease of the bones. It is caused by the infection of bone tissue by bacteria. The main bacteria responsible for the infection are Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pyocyanic. The existence of open fractures or infectious diseases such as angina promotes the entry of bacteria into the body to reach the bone cells. Skin infections such as impetigo, anthrax or boil are also a gateway to infection.

Symptoms of osteitis

At the beginning of the infection, osteitis manifests itself as a fever of up to 40°C. Subject has chills and complains of headache. These symptoms are accompanied by sharp throbbing pains that are localized at the site of osteitis. The disease progresses with the appearance of sores accompanied by pus. The complication of the disease is manifested by the appearance of new abscesses in the lungs and brain. Sepsis and infective endocarditis are then present. In the case of tuberculous osteitis, the pain is moderate and the infection can progress to the development of a cold abscess. When the infection is localized in the jaws, it is called osteitis of the maxilla.

Homeopathic treatment for osteitis

The basic treatment for osteitis is Aurum Metallicum 100%. If osteitis is accompanied by pus, treat with Staphysagria 80%. In case of chronic osteitis of the small bones, administer Argentum Nitricum 60%. Osteitis of the nose, mastoids and palate can be treated with Aurum Metallicum 80%.

Aurum Metallicum is also effective in treating necrotic osteitis and osteitis suppurativa. If the inflammation is localized in the jawbone, treat with Hekla Lava 4 CH. If there is a tendency to suppurate with traumatic pain, administer Siegesbeckia 4 CH.

In case of osteitis with sensitivity of the gums and presence of abscesses, use Hekla Lava and Siegesbeckia in low dilution i.e. 6 CH, 4 CH or 3 CH. They are used together in the form of trituration with 1 scoop 2 times a day or 3 granules 2 times a day.

When to see a doctor?

You should go to a medical consultation as soon as symptoms appear. Indeed, if left untreated, the subject can develop an abscess that can only be detected by ultrasound. The disease can also progress to the formation of a fistula, which is characterized by a spontaneous opening of the wound. Subsequently, pieces of necrotic bone are flushed out through the fistula.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Thanks to its gentle form and its in-depth therapeutic action, homeopathy can treat osteitis as soon as its first symptoms appear.

  1. Presentation of the patholog ...
  2. Symptoms of osteitis
  3. Homeopathic treatment for os ...
  4. When to see a doctor?

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