Secale Cornutum to reduce venous bleeding and pain

Secale Cornutum is a homeopathic remedy mainly developed for the treatment of venous haemorrhages due to vasoconstriction of the arterioles.

Secale Cornutum is a very good homeopathic remedy based on sclerotia. The latter are found on rye flowers and on wheat attacked by ergot or claviceps purpurea parasite, a fungus of the Ascomycete family. In fact, it is when they grow that these plants give rise to purplish-brown sclerotia with a foul smell, which resemble the rooster's ergot. The mother tincture used to make Secale cornutum is prepared from these sclerotia which are previously dried.


Secale Cornutum is mainly used to treat Raynaud's syndrome. However, it is also effective in treating circulatory disorders in the lower limbs causing tingling, cramps, leg sensitivity disorders, bedsores and even ulcers.

Secale Cornutum is recommended in case of painful or unpainful uterine bleeding, associated with the formation of blackish clots and in case of infections of the bladder and/or uterus such as metritis and peritonitis. It is also recommended in cases of purulent lochia.

Dermatological and ophthalmological diseases

Secale Cornutum is effective against recurrent aphthoses. It heals eczema and ulcers of the skin or capillaries and gets rid of frostbite on the toes, hands and face. In addition, it treats visual disorders and eye aches accompanied by migraines.

Other indications

Secale cornutum also helps relieve abdominal cramps and treat intestinal bleeding and heartburn with nausea or vomiting. It can even be used in case of diarrhea, greenish stools, and swelling of the tongue leading to foul breath.

Recommended dosage in case of blood circulation disorders

To treat Raynaud's syndrome, take 5 granules of Secale cornutum 5 CH every morning and evening for 4 months. And, to treat venous circulation disorders in the legs, use 5 granules of Secale Cornutum 9 CH, once a day, for 6 months.

Dosage indicated in case of gynaecological disorders

To stop uterine bleeding, administer 5 granules of Secale Cornutum 7 CH and 5 other granules of China rubra in the morning, at noon and in the evening for one week. Repeat treatment during the next period. To prevent bleeding, suck on one dose of Secale Cornutum 9 CH once a week or every 15 days. And, to treat purulent lochia, melt 5 granules of Secale Cornutum 9 CH in the mouth, 3 times a day, for 2 to 3 weeks.

Recommended dosage in case of dermatological and ophthalmological disorders

In case of aphthosis, use 5 granules of Secale Cornutum 5 CH, once a day. And in case of skin or capillary ulcers, take 5 granules of Secale Cornutum, every morning and evening, for a month. To relieve eye pain associated with migraines and dizziness, melt 5 granules of Secale Cornutum 5 CH under the tongue in the morning and every half hour from the time the pain is felt, then space the doses by one to 2 hours depending on the improvement.

Other dosages

Tympanism and abdominal cramps are treated with 5 granules of Secale Cornutum 5 CH, to be taken every morning and evening. Intestinal bleeding and heartburn with nausea or vomiting can be treated with 5 granules of Secale Cornutum 7 CH, to be used 3 times a day. In addition, it is possible to get rid of foul breath due to swelling of the tongue, diarrhea and greenish stools, by using 5 granules of Secale Cornutum 7 CH, 3 times a day.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health