The homeopathic remedy Ustilago comes from the transformation of the spores of a fungus that settles on the flowers, stalks and leaves of corn. As it grows, the fungus emits large growths that burst and release black spores when ripe. In general, the homeopathic remedy Ustilago is recommended for women who are in the perimenopausal period.
Main indications in gynecology
In homeopathy, the remedy Ustilago is indicated for various gynecological disorders, including those that affect the sexual organs. If the patient secretes a leucorrhea with a strong smell and yellow color or when the periods are abundant, clear, liquid and in too large a quantity, the homeopath prescribes Ustilago.
Pain in thecervix and painful tenderness associated with inflammation of the left ovary are all gynecological symptoms treated with the homeopathic remedy Ustilago.
In the event that, between menstruations, the patient feels pain radiating to the left breast, sometimes accompanied by ovarian inflammation, Ustilago may also be the appropriate remedy. Painful menstruation as well as pain that radiates to the legs can be treated with Ustilago homeopathy.
Ustilago is also indicated for membranous dysmenorrhea or persistent uterine-like bleeding with dark-coloured blood clots. Ustilago is also an effective treatment to calm fluid uterine bleeding and that after palpation, the uterus is both spongy and soft. Left ovarian neuralgia with sensitivity at this level is also treated with Ustilago.
Recommended dosages
In gynecological disorders such as metrorrhagia associated with pelvic heaviness, Ustilago is prescribed at a dilution of 4 CH to 9 CH but always according to the medical diagnosis.
The dosage for pre-menopausal dysmenorrhea also consists of administering a dilution of Ustilago homeopathy to 4 CH or 9 CH depending on the symptoms. In case of hot flashes with the unexpected return of menstruation, you should take Ustilago 5 CH at a rate of 3 granules, once a day.
Emergency cases of fibroids and uterine polyps will be treated with Ustilago 5 CH in combination with Sabina 5 CH, especially when the patient has large, dark red blood clots.