Platinum or Platina under the Latin name is a rare metal that has the particularity of being shiny and unalterable. This stainless metal is used in homeopathy for the development of a well-known remedy, called Platina. It is therefore a drug of mineral origin. More specifically, platinum foam is used for the preparation of this drug. To do this, this foam is crushed in lactose to serve as a substance for the development of homeopathic dilutions. This diluted substance is then strongly agitated in order to obtain a drug with effective therapeutic properties for the treatment of various pathologies.
Platina is useful for the treatment of various digestive disorders characterized by abdominal pain or a reduction in the frequency of bowel movements. These are colic and constipation that can occur as a result of poisoning induced by a metal such as lead. Travelers who are also experiencing constipation can also resort to this homeopathic remedy when they are unable to expel stool easily. This is why it is recommended for patients who suffer from difficult defecation with loose stools.
As a homeopathic medicine, Platina is recommended for the treatment of various gynecological conditions. It provides great relief during pain and irritation of the genitals, especially when it is manifest in the vulva, uterus and vagina. In case of gynecological dysfunction or disorders, the use of this remedy gives satisfactory and significant results in terms of well-being. Leucorrhea, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia are therapeutic indications for Platina. In addition, it is prescribed in the presence of ovarialgia, vaginismus, premenstrual syndromes (early menstruation), vulvar congestion associated with sexual arousal, abnormal blood loss from the uterus (metrorrhagia).
Behavioural disorders
Menstrual syndromes (pre- or post-menstrual) cause some women to experience emotional and nervous tension. They become irritable, depressed and exhibit a series of behavioral problems. Faced with this condition, Platina is the remedy that brings relief to women. It is particularly indicated in women who are confronted with psychological disorders such as depression, melancholy, frequent hysterical reactions and sexual disorders. In many respects, these are neurotic sexual behavior disorders characterized by intense sexual arousal and nymphomania.
Recommended dosage in case of digestive disorders
Depending on the modalities in which constipation manifests itself, three dilutions, including 5 CH, 7 CH and 9 CH, may be prescribed to patients. When it comes to constipation during a trip, five granules of Platina 5 CH, three times a day, are recommended. In the presence of systematic constipation during the trip, with sticky stools in clay form, the dosage is three granules of Platina 7 CH every hour. These doses must be modified according to the positive evolution of the disorders. To treat this constipation accompanied by an abrupt cessation of the functioning of the anal sphincter, three granules of Platina 9 CH are to be taken daily.
Recommended dosage in case of gynaecological pathologies
Platina is used in the treatment of amenorrhea with three granules of Platina 15 CH at bedtime. This dosage is particularly recommended when this gynecological disorder is the result of an emotional shock or disappointment. In the case of hyperesthesia of the vulva, five granules of Platina 15 CH are prescribed daily from the 14th day of the patient's menstrual cycle.
Recommended dosage in case of behavioral disorders
Neurohormonal factors related to the menstrual cycle induce mood changes and even behavioral disorders. Under these conditions, the required daily dosage is five granules of Platina 15 CH from the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle. In the specific case of a sexual behaviour disorder characterised by sexual hyperarousal or nymphomania, Platina 5 CH is very suitable. The method of administration consists of taking three granules when you wake up.