Relieve gynecological disorders with Lac Caninum

Research in homeopathy has led to the development of Lac Caninum, a remedy based on dog milk. It is particularly indicated to help women overcome menstruation and lactation disorders.

Lac Caninum is a homeopathic medicine made from the milk of the female dog. As this natural secretion contains multiple hormonal derivatives, its dilution makes it possible to obtain an effective hormonal regulator. Thus, Lac Caninum is particularly effective in gynecology and obstetrics.

Treating period pain

Some women experience headaches or abdominal pain in the ovaries or breasts before and/or during their period. It is also common for women to be much more irritable and sensitive than usual during this period. These various disorders caused by menstruation can nevertheless be alleviated by taking Lac Caninum.

Treating lactation disorders

Women who have just given birth often have difficulty breastfeeding when their breast is not yet filled with milk. In this case, Lake Caninum is recommended by homeopathic doctors in order to promote the rise of milk. However, this homeopathic remedy also helps to regulate excess milk production in breastfeeding women. Lac Caninum reduces breast engorgement by reducing milk secretion. In addition, Lac Caninum is also recommended for women who wish to stop breastfeeding.

Other indications

Certain throat pathologies are among the indications for Lake Caninum. This is the case, for example, with diphtheria and tonsil abscesses. This medication is also particularly effective for the treatment of acute angina that occurs before and during menstruation and is accompanied by pain that radiates to the ears.

Rheumatism and the resulting pain also fall within the scope of Lac Caninum. In addition, mental disorders such as memory disorders or nervousness can be treated with this homeopathic remedy. Finally, a cure for Lake Caninum can cure low back pain, pain that is located in the lower back.

Recommended dosages in case of menstrual disorders

If the aim is to relieve menstrual disorders, the patient can take Lac Caninum 5 CH and Sepia Officinalis 5 CH. Since these two homeopathic remedies work synergistically, it is recommended to alternate the intake of 3 granules of each remedy. These medications will be taken 3 times a day, from the 15th to the 28th day of the menstrual cycle. In case of breast pain, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Lac Caninum 9 CH per day from the onset of the feeling of discomfort until the next period.

Recommended dosages in case of lactation disorders

To promote the rise of milk, homeopaths advise taking Lake Caninum 5 CH at a rate of 3 granules to be taken 3 times a day. It is recommended to start the course of treatment immediately after childbirth. On the other hand, for women who have breast tension due to hypergalactia, i.e. an excess of milk production, the recommended dosage is 3 granules of Lake Caninum 5 CH at bedtime.

If the breast pain is very severe, it is nevertheless advisable to take 3 granules of Lac Caninum 5 CH 2 times a day. In addition, if the woman wants to stop breastfeeding, she should take 3 granules of this remedy every night until lactation stops. Finally, if the flow of milk persists after weaning, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Lac Caninum 9 CH per day.


the case of treatment of psychological disorders, rheumatological conditions and back pain, it is best to consult a homeopathic doctor who will determine the appropriate dosage. On the other hand, for acute ailments, the patient will have to take Lake Caninum at a low dilution.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Lake Caninum has the potential to regulate hormone production in women. The various inconveniences such as breast and abdominal pain, as well as migraines that occur before and during menstruation are indeed cured by this remedy.

  1. Treating period pain
  2. Treating lactation disorders
  3. Other indications
  4. Recommended dosages in case ...
  5. Recommended dosages in case ...

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