Ricinus Communis is a natural medicine whose homeopathic strain comes from castor beans. It is a plant in the Euphorbiaceae family. The extraction of the ripe seeds gives castor oil. The extraction involves cold pressing and filtration of the resulting liquid, which is vegetable oil.
Ricinus Communis is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the seeds of the castor plant. This plant, which grows in India, China and Brazil, contains an irritating white latex. Its fruit is a capsule with 3 lobes. Castor oil is rich in fatty acids and glycerol ester. Triacylgerols make up more than 90% of the constituents. The oil also contains unsaturated acid such as ricinoleic acid.
Main indications in gastroenterology
Ricinus Communis has purgative properties and helps relieve constipation. Ricinus Communis is also used in cases of gastroenteritis or stomach flu. It is an inflammation of the digestive system that manifests itself in pain in the abdomen and frequent diarrhea. These symptoms are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting with or without fever. Ricinus Communis is also used to treat hepatic colic and dyspepsia. The subject feels epigastric pain in the stomach and has nausea sometimes accompanied by diarrhea but without abdominal pain.
Ricinus Communis is used in obstetrics to treat agalactia. Agalactia is characterized by the absence of milk in the breasts after childbirth. Ricinus communis is then recommended during the decline in lactation in breastfeeding women. Ricinus Communis is also given in cases of pulsating breast tenderness with pounding pain in the breasts.
Gastroenterological dosages
To treat constipation, administer 5 granules of Ricinus Communis 5 CH, 2 times daily. If gastroenteritis is accompanied by diarrhoea with nausea but without pain, treat with 5 granules Ricinus Communis 5 CH, after the liquid stool. Discontinue treatment as soon as bowel movements normalize.
Obstetric dosages
To stimulate lactation and increase milk secretion, administer 3 granules of Ricinus Communis 3 CH or 4 CH, in the morning and evening. Another dosage is to give 3 granules of Ricinus Communis 3 CH on odd days. For those who wish to boost lactation, take 5 granules of Ricinus Communis 5 CH, 3 times a day. Stimulate milk flow before feeding by taking 3 granules or 5 granules of Ricinus Communis 5 CH, 3 times a day. Ricinus Communis can also be given in combination with other remedies to promote milk flow. Combining Ricinus Communis 4 CH with Pulsatilla 4 CH and Calcarea Carbonica 4 CH will give good results. In case of persistent galactorrhea or milk discharge after weaning, take 5 granules of Ricinus Communis 30 CH morning and evening for 10 days. In case of pain, add 5 granules of Lake Caninum 9 CH per day.