Treating Raynaud's syndrome with homeopathy

Raynaud's syndrome is the narrowing of blood vessels caused by certain types of disease such as scleroderma. In homeopathy, it is treated with a basic treatment only on medical prescription.

Raynaud's syndrome or secondary Raynaud's disease is slightly different from Raynaud's disease. The two pathologies are similar in terms of symptoms but they differ in their origin. Raynaud's disease has no definite cause, but symptoms tend to develop because of the cold. Raynaud's syndrome is linked to other diseases, the most common of which is scleroderma.

Symptoms of Raynaud's syndrome

Raynaud's syndrome is manifested by discoloration of the affected area, due to poor blood supply. The affected areas are often the fingers of the hands, sometimes the toes and ears. The area may turn blue and become numb, due to the reduction of blood and oxygen in this part of the body. While the skin is cold on the outside, inside the body the area appears warm, sometimes pain is felt or on the contrary the area becomes insensitive.

Homeopathic remedies for Raynaud's syndrome

The reference homeopathic remedy for treating Raynaud's syndrome is Secale cornutum 5 CH. This remedy is effective against blood circulation disorders, to treat frostbite on the face, hands and feet. It relieves cold sensations and numbness possibly accompanied by cramps. It is advisable to take Secale cornutum 5 CH for 4 months, the dosage is 5 granules morning and evening outside of meals, to be allowed to melt under the tongue. It is also possible to give Secale cornutum to babies by diluting the remedy in a little water. Secale cornutum can also be prescribed alternately with Camphora 5 CH and Sepia officinalis, which are to be alternated in three daily doses, each dose being 3 granules.

Other homeopathic remedies also exist to treat Raynaud's syndrome, taking 4 granules twice a day of Pulsatilla 5 CH is effective against winter frostbite. Lachesis mutus is recommended to relieve bruises, Carbo vegetabilis is recommended in case of cyanosis of the fingers.

When to see a doctor in case of Raynaud's syndrome?

Consultation with a doctor is always advisable if any of the symptoms of Raynaud's syndrome appear, such as discoloration of the fingertips or feelings of numbness and tingling. Only the doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the symptoms and offer the appropriate care. Indeed, he will have to take into account several parameters such as the person's health history, previous or current diseases, hereditary diseases. The patient's job can also influence the symptoms experienced. The doctor will have to know all the events that could have affected his patient and determine in particular whether it is primary or secondary Raynaud's disease.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Secale cornutum is effective against the effects of Raynaud's syndrome thanks to the actions of the ergotamine it contains.

  1. Symptoms of Raynaud's syndro ...
  2. Homeopathic remedies for Ray ...
  3. When to see a doctor in case ...

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