Treating asthma with homeopathy

Asthma is manifested by coughing, most often coughing, and breathing difficulties. It can be treated with homeopathic remedies that relieve the patient and/or permanently cure his disease.

Asthma is a disease that mainly affects children under 5 years of age. If it is detected in time, it can be treated in such a way that its development is prevented. In most cases, the symptoms of this disease disappear during adolescence and reappear when the patient reaches forty. Asthma can be hereditary but it is also possible for it to be acquired. According to several scientific studies, it has been on the rise in industrialized countries, especially since the second half of the twentieth century.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract caused by inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles. It causes respiratory discomfort and a feeling of tightness in the chest. The disorders caused by this disease can be permanent and the attacks fatal. However, the allopathic medicines available on the market do not cure it, but simply relieve the pain that accompanies it. In addition, asthma is also difficult to diagnose, especially in children. This is why parents must be vigilant when their son or daughter becomes very agitated and anxious in addition to breathing abnormally.

Symptoms of asthma

A person with asthma becomes out of breath easily and often suffers from a dry cough. In most cases, it is allergic to aerosols in the air, such as smoke molecules, pollen seeds and dust particles, furry animals or the smell of certain natural or artificial substances. His breathing is wheezing, especially during periods of crisis.

An asthma attack begins with a dry cough and suffocation. The patient has difficulty breathing because because of his disease, his bronchi cannot open normally. The contraction of the muscles next to these organs worsens his condition. The cough is often accompanied by coughing up mucus, which sometimes makes it very difficult for the patient to speak. Most of the time, the attack occurs after physical exertion or when going to bed. The patient's heart rate increases and he sweats more than he should. Just like his lips, his fingers turn blue.

Homeopathic treatment of asthma

Adolescence is the ideal time to treat asthma because it is during puberty that it can be completely cured. After this stage, the patient will have to live with his disease. In addition, to make homeopathic remedies for asthma more effective, it is best for the patient to stay in a dry area where he or she can breathe the sea air.

There are two types of homeopathic treatment for asthma, namely the treatment of periods of acute attacks and the long-term treatment. The first allows the patient to be relieved as quickly as possible when the symptoms of the disease appear and the second to get rid of allergies. Several homeopathic remedies are effective in treating asthma. This is the case for Lung Histamine 5 CH, which has a dosage of two granules, 3 to 4 times a day, in normal times, and five granules at least every half hour in the event of an attack. Nux vomica 7 CH is recommended if the attack occurs immediately after meals. The recommended dose will then be 2 granules, 3 times a day. In addition, if the patient suffers from coughing fits during the night, he or she should put 2 Drosera granules under the tongue, also 3 times a day. If he can no longer breathe and his face turns blue, the best thing to do is to suck on two granules of Cuprum Metallicum 5 CH three times a day. Finally, in the event that the symptoms of the disease appear most of the time between 2 and 4 a.m. and make the patient asthenic and cold, he or she should be given two granules of Kalium Carbonicum 9 CH at bedtime.

When to see a doctor?

A person should definitely be examined when they have a cough that is both dry and itchy and lasts for several months or comes back chronically. In addition, if the disease has already been confirmed and the attacks occur at bedtime, during the night, in the early morning and when waking up, the patient should also urgently see a doctor. He is even advised to carry out a periodic health check-up, especially in the rainy season; The moist aerosols that invade the air at this time can aggravate his illness. Finally, it is especially when asthma is accompanied by or results from chronic bronchitis that the patient's condition must be monitored very closely.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


In addition to making the symptoms disappear, the homeopathic remedies used to treat asthma also help to get rid of the allergies that are most often the cause of attacks.

  1. What is asthma?
  2. Symptoms of asthma
  3. Homeopathic treatment of ast ...
  4. When to see a doctor?

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