Treating tracheitis with homeopathy

Tracheitis is a disease that is accompanied by a dry or wet cough that can progress to bronchial complications. Several homeopathic remedies can cure the disease and also relieve the apparent symptoms.

Tracheitis is an inflammation of the layer covering the inner lining of the trachea. It is usually of infectious origin due to a virus or bacteria and is most often observed during the autumn or winter. However, inhalation of smoke, tobacco or harmful substances by the body can cause it.


A runny nose, a frequent and irritative cough accompanied by chest pain, a hoarse voice are the first symptoms of tracheitis. The cough gradually becomes greasy. Sometimes the patient has a mild fever. Tracheitis can be short-lived or long-lasting if it is chronic. Viral tracheitis can be accompanied by a cold or a respiratory tract infection or nasopharyngitis. Acute laryngitis can cause tracheitis which, if it worsens, becomes tracheobronchitis and whose treatment is similar to that of bronchitis.

Treatment of trachea irritation

This irritation of the trachea mucosa is effectively treated with Rumex Crispus combined with Pulsatilla vugaris 8 DH. Suck 3 granules 3 times a day. Space out the sockets as soon as an improvement is felt. However, it is contraindicated in cases of sinusitis and otitis.

Dry cough treatments

If the dry cough worsens with the fresh, noisy air and is accompanied by fatigue, homeopathy allows the patient to be treated by taking 3 granules of Rumex Crispus 5 CH, 6 times a day. Belladona 5 CH, 4 to 5 granules per dose, cures dry cough, especially if it comes on suddenly, accompanied by fever and a lot of sweating. If the cough continues during the night or as soon as the patient is in bed, 3 granules of Drosera 5 CH should be taken 4 to 5 times a day.

If the patient is tired after irritative and noisy coughs, give him 3 granules of Corallium Rubrum, 4 to 5 times a day. If the cough causes pain at the base of the nose, 3 granules of Sticta Pulmonaria 5 CH, 4 to 5 times a day will be enough to relieve the patient. On the other hand, if he coughs painfully with burning sensations in the throat, administer 3 granules of Phosphorus 5 CH, 4 to 5 times a day.

Treatment of wet cough

If the heat of a room aggravates the non-irritating wet cough accompanied by thick phlegm, take 3 granules of Pulsatilla 5 CH, 4 to 5 times a day. When the patient has asthma attacks, has a wet cough aggravated by the heat and accompanied by some sputum, and phlegm clogs the bronchi, have him take 3 granules of Antimonium Tartaricum 5 CH, 5 to 6 times a day.

Treatment of tracheobronchitis complication

When tracheitis leads to complications affecting the bronchi and the wet cough is observed more during the day than at night, the remedy indicated is Calcarea Carbonica, 3 granules to be taken 5 to 6 times a day. This remedy is also indicated when the patient has asthma attacks after midnight and shows a particular sensitivity to pressure under the collarbones and in the chest.

When to see a doctor?

When the cough lasts more than 3 weeks (chronic cough) or when it occurs day or night (frequent cough) or if it resists the usual self-treatment (malignant cough), it is advisable to go to the doctor who will make a thorough consultation to be able to administer the appropriate remedies. In addition, as soon as the cough is followed by difficulty breathing, you should quickly consult a doctor.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Tracheitis is effectively treated with homeopathy which, with its various remedies, can provide a gentle and in-depth treatment so that the disease does not evolve into a serious complication.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Treatment of trachea irritat ...
  3. Dry cough treatments
  4. Treatment of wet cough
  5. Treatment of tracheobronchit ...
  6. When to see a doctor?

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