Fighting Spasmophilia and Lipothymia with Moschus

Moschus is a remedy used in homeopathy to treat diseases affecting the nervous system. This remedy is more particularly prescribed to nervous and agitated people.

Coming from the Moschidae family, the male deer is a ruminant that resembles the deer in many ways. Native to the mountainous regions of Central Asia, this small, hornless animal has a long bursa, better known as the musk gland, which is placed between its genitals and navel. In homeopathy, this gland is delicately dried to help in the preparation of the mother tincture of the Moschus remedy. It is usually given to people who are very emotional, almost hysterical and whose mood changes constantly.


Moschus is mainly indicated in cases of spasmophilia manifested by nervous or muscular hyperexcitability that causes the patient to be very agitated, to laugh or cry for no reason, to get angry easily and to have unclear ideas. The latter complains of pain without being able to locate it and frequently loses consciousness. The patient also suffers from a violent cough accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest in such a way that he or she suffocates and may eventually faint. Anxiety, stress, fatigue and nervousness are also all signs that accompany spasmophilia.


Moschus is also prescribed in cases of lipothymia due to stress, fatigue, long periods of immobility or anaemia. In this case, the subject has the impression of losing consciousness, of losing his strength, he becomes pale, has visual problems and complains of nausea as well as epigastric pain. In some cases, these subjects also suffer from high blood pressure. Finally, Moschus is used in the treatment of victims of major traumas (traffic or work accidents, for example) that can later cause psychological disorders.

Recommended dosages in case of spasmophilia

To alleviate spasmophilia with agitation caused by anguish or anxiety, it is indicated to take 3 granules of Moschus 9 CH and to renew the intake if necessary after 15 to 30 minutes until it subsides. To treat cases of nervousness, it is necessary to take alternately 3 granules of Moschus 7 CH and 3 granules of Ignatia amara 7 CH three times a day. Doses should be taken 15 minutes apart when an acute attack occurs. If the patient complains of epigastric pain, abdominal pain or headaches, then he or she should take 5 granules of Moschus 9 CH three times a day for two months.

Recommended dosages in case of lipothymia

To combat lipothymia and the symptoms associated with it, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Moschus 7 CH three to four times a day. In the event of major trauma that can lead to psychological disorders, it is then advisable to take 5 granules of Moschus 15 CH three times a day. Finally, to fight against recurrent lipothymia, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Moschus 9 CH and 5 granules of Nux moschata 9 CH per day at the time of discomfort.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


Aside from behavioral disorders and major trauma, Moschus can also help women, especially those who are nervous, cope with the changes caused by menopause.

  1. Spasmophilia
  2. Lipothymia
  3. Recommended dosages in case ...
  4. Recommended dosages in case ...

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