Lipothymia is a feeling of malaise, characterized by a partial loss of consciousness. The main known cause of lipothymia is the lack of oxygen in the brain. But lipothymia is also attributed to low blood pressure, hunger, fatigue, sudden change of position or prolonged standing. On the other hand, lipothymia can also be the result of emotional shock, pain, fear or anxiety. Finally, in the case of vagal lipothymia, a confined, warm environment could be the cause.
In general, lipothymia is preceded by a number of physical disorders that manifest as a feeling of vertigo, as well as tinnitus, tremors, hot flashes, palpitations, epigastric malaise with nausea, asthenia, or blurred vision. Lipothymia could, in some cases, be followed by a transient loss of consciousness, resembling syncope. But unlike the latter, the subject who suffers from lipothymia can quickly regain all his or her abilities and can respond to external stimuli or simple questions.
Lipothymia and blood pressure
Lowering blood pressure during prolonged standing or orthostatic hypotension can cause lipothymia. If the discomfort is accompanied by pallor, sweating and a feeling of exhaustion, five China 5 CH granules, to be taken twice a day, are undoubtedly the most appropriate remedy. But if hypotension is essential, with no apparent cause, Eleutherococcus TM or Ginseng TM are indicated with 50 drops to be diluted in a glass of water, to be taken twice a day.
Emotional lipothymia
Manypeople suffer from lipothymia as a result of emotional shock or stress. If the discomfort is characterized by a tingling sensation preceding a spasmophilic or hysterical attack, the Moschus 7 CH is indicated. But if lipothymia is followed by fainting, Ignatia 9 CH is often prescribed. Sometimes the emotion causes the patient to become significantly weakened accompanied by a feeling of emptiness. In this case, taking Gelsemium 7 CH is recommended, especially if the discomfort leads to muscle weakness in the lower limbs. For all these remedies, 5 granules of each are to be taken at regular intervals until improvement.
Treatment of vagal lipothymia
Being in a confined atmosphere could lead to lipothymia. This sometimes happens when the body lacks oxygen or when the metabolism does not work properly. In order to treat the discomfort, taking five granules of Pulsatilla 9 CH is recommended, to be repeated until improved. But if lipothymia occurs after suffocating heat, Antimonium 9 CH is the most appropriate remedy. Five granules are to be taken and renewed until improved. Finally, when lipothymia is due to sunstroke, the intake of five granules of Glonoinum 9 CH is indicated.
When to see a doctor?
A medical consultation is essential when lipothymia causes fainting that lasts more than a minute. The same is true when the discomfort occurs frequently. The patient should also be taken to the emergency room or called for help if the lipothymia is accompanied by a seizure or other alarming symptoms.