Treating whooping cough with homeopathy

Pertussis is a highly contagious disease that most often affects infants under one year of age and children under five years of age, but can be effectively treated with homeopathy.

Pertussis is a highly contagious disease that most often affects children under five years of age and infants under one year of age. It is characterized by violent coughing fits and is difficult to detect because its symptoms are irregular. However, once diagnosed, it can be effectively treated with homeopathy.

Causes of pertussis Pertussis

is caused by the bacillus Bordetella pertussis and affects the respiratory tract. Generally, it is transmitted by splashing drops of saliva during violent coughing sequences. Pertussis can affect any child and cause periodic epidemics. This illness, which lasts between four and eight weeks, is very exhausting if the patient is not treated as soon as possible.

Symptoms of whooping cough

Pertussis begins with a runny nose accompanied by a violent cough and fever. The characteristic coughing fits of this disease are reminiscent of the crowing of the rooster, hence its name. They usually occur during the night and end with vomiting. If there is a complication, pertussis can lead to pneumonia or bleeding. It is also possible that it affects the central nervous system.

Homeopathic remedies for whooping cough

If whooping cough is detected early and the child is tired due to the incubation of the bacteria, Carbo Vegetalis 15 CH should be used in 1 dose, in order to improve breathing and reduce the feeling of suffocation. But if the patient is sthenic, sulphur will be the most appropriate remedy. As for Belladona, which prevents dry and violent nighttime coughs, it will be prescribed if the patient is weakened and his face is red and sweaty. In addition, Allium Cepa will effectively treat whooping cough accompanied by coryza, frequent sneezing, irritating runny nose, tears and spasmodic, hoarse and dry cough. If the disease has already progressed and manifests itself as spasmodic cough with suffocation, nausea and vomiting, Ipeca should be taken, especially if the child's face is bluish.

Corallium rubrum 9 CH at a rate of 5 granules after each coughing fit is recommended in case of spasmodic and violent cough accompanied by mucus that is accentuated in the evening or at night and can lead to abdominal pain. Coccus Cacti will be recommended if the cough is caused by a laryngeal tickle with runny mucus and the patient's condition improves when he is cool but worsens when he is in a warm room. Cuprum metallicum will cure dry spasmodic cough relieved by the freshness of a drink. Arnica will be prescribed if the cough causes chest pain and small rashes appear on the face. Mephitis Putorius is ideal for treating whooping cough with suffocation, a bluish face, and little catarrh. Finally, if the disease reaches the acute phase and there are repeated coughing fits, the homeopath will probably prescribe 1 dose of Pertussinum 30 CH for three days.

When to see a doctor?

As whooping cough is a serious disease, self-medication is strongly discouraged. It is best to follow the prescriptions of a homeopath after an accurate diagnosis. As soon as the first symptoms appear, it is therefore best to consult your doctor.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathic remedies to treat whooping cough have sedative, cough suppressant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antibiotic and expectorant actions. To make them more effective, they can be combined with allopathic remedies.

  1. Causes of pertussis Pertussi ...
  2. Symptoms of whooping cough
  3. Homeopathic remedies for who ...
  4. When to see a doctor?

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