A pathology affecting a large number of people in developed countries, high blood pressure is a source of various more or less serious health disorders. The factors responsible for the onset of hypertension in an individual are still poorly defined, but according to many studies, this disease is mainly linked to age, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, as well as a family predisposition and poor eating habits.
Today, hypertensive people can live with the pathological conditions related to hypertension until a very old age thanks to medication. Nevertheless, the treatments they must follow to mitigate the effects of these pathologies are often very heavy, especially in cases of certain serious diseases. In recent years, homeopathy has come to the rescue of people suffering from hypertension.
Hypertension occurs when the pressure exerted by the blood on the vessels during the contraction of the heart (systole) is greater than 140 mm of mercury (Hg) and when this pressure is greater than 90 mm Hg during relaxation (diastole). In general, this measurement is expressed in centimeters of mercury to obtain the two digits of systolic and diastolic pressure. Thus, an individual is hypertensive when his blood pressure is above 14/9 cm Hg. This hypertension is primary when its exact origin cannot be determined, it is secondary when the factor(s) causing it are known.
In many people, high blood pressure is not accompanied by any particular symptoms. However, there are some signs that may indicate abnormally high blood pressure, such as headaches, sudden feeling tired, dizziness, shortness of breath after exertion, nausea, nosebleeds, and palpitations. However, only a measurement with a blood pressure monitor and the diagnoses made by a doctor can demonstrate the existence or not of hypertension. Moreover, all these disorders can be caused by other pathological conditions independently of an increase in blood pressure.
Basic treatments for hypertension
With homeopathy, hypertension is quite easily treated and many remedies are effective in relieving the patient of the main symptoms. Baryta Carbonica and Plumbum allow, among other things, to quickly dissipate the feeling of fatigue, while Baryta Mur and Spigelia treat the first symptoms related to various cardiovascular disorders due to hypertension. But you can also dispel the feeling of discomfort due to vascular constrictions by specific remedies such as Aconite and Sulfur. The latter is especially indicated in the management of atheroma and other arterial degenerations. In addition, various homeopathic medicines are effective in treating essential hypertension, which affects the majority of patients.
Treatment by the homeopathic method is not invasive, it does not risk causing complications related to the consumption of drugs that are too aggressive for patients, who are most often already weakened by their age. It should also be noted that homeopathy can be prescribed as the main treatment or in addition to a drug treatment. It provides as much effectiveness as conventional treatments.
Intellectual stress and hypertension
To treat stress, depression and nervousness, as well as the decline in intellectual capacity related to hypertension, a few homeopathic solutions can be used. Among the best known is Nux Vomica, an antidepressant that is especially suitable for people with hypertension related to smoking or alcoholism.
You can also opt for Ignatia Amara, especially if hypertension manifests itself with various mood disorders such as overwork, anxiety, insomnia and others. This remedy is also recommended to treat hypertension that produces digestive spasms or mild gastroenteritis. But in the case of cardiac erethism, causing multiple physiological disorders, homeopathy recommends Strontium-based preparations.
Treatments for pain due to hypertension
In some cases, hypertension can be accompanied by various pains, and homeopathic products include very effective analgesics. Crataegus and Tabacum relieve angina, shoulder pain, cramps, while suppressing palpitations, stress, nausea and cold sweats. There is also Glonoinum which can overcome certain types of headaches due to high blood pressure, as well as the sensations of chest hugging so characteristic of tension flare-ups.
In addition, certain classes of drugs are also prescribed to treat hypertension causing kidney damage and other endocrine diseases, such as Viscum Album, Serun anguillae and Peucedanum Graveolens. The latter is also indicated to treat hypertension resulting in various urinary dysfunctions such as oliguria and pollakiuria.
When to see a doctor?
Hypertension is a disease that cannot be detected without frequent medical check-ups. Nevertheless, there are still some very characteristic symptoms that prevent hypertension, and as soon as these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. In addition, people at risk, such as those who are overweight and those with family predispositions, are advised to check their blood pressure regularly with a blood pressure monitor.
A blood pressure above 14/9 cm Mg should be closely monitored, so medical consultation is strongly advised in this case. In addition, cases of hypertension resistant to conventional drug treatments may be encountered. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a homeopathic doctor in order to define the type of alternative treatment adapted to the patient's state of hypertension.