Fighting against senescence pathologies with Baryta carbonica

As we get older, different disorders appear little by little. Baryta carbonica is often recommended to alleviate certain diseases due to old age.

Baryta carbonica is a homeopathic remedy appreciated for its many therapeutic virtues. This product is obtained from the dilution of barium carbonate, a mineral salt extracted in witherite. Baryta carbonica is especially recommended in the treatment of several ailments affecting the elderly as well as in the treatment of certain mental illnesses. However, this remedy can also be used to treat respiratory diseases in children.

Senescence pathologies

Baryta carbonica is a homeopathic remedy that helps stimulate memory. This remedy is therefore recommended for elderly people with certain memory disorders. In addition, the intake of Baryta carbonica is also recommended for people who have sleep disorders such as frequent anxiety-provoking dreams or a perpetual tendency to fall asleep. Various circulatory diseases caused by old age, such as atherosclerosis or lymph node pathologies, can be treated with Baryta carbonica.

Baryta carbonica is also indicated in the case of childhood respiratory or ENT diseases such as ear infections, tonsillitis, laryngitis and chronic tonsillitis. In addition, respiratory problems such as colds or chronic bronchitis can also be relieved by taking this homeopathic medicine. It should be noted that this remedy is all the more recommended if these conditions are caused by the cold.

Other indications

Certain genitourinary conditions such as prostatic adenoma or low libido can also be treated with this remedy. In addition, various kinds of digestive disorders such as chronic diarrhoea and the symptoms that accompany it can be relieved by taking Baryta carbonica, as well as certain bone problems such as decalcification or growth retardation. Finally, skin rashes such as warts or acne can be treated with Baryta carbonica.

Recommended dosages for senescence pathologies

In the treatment of mental disorders such as memory impairment in the elderly, the recommended dose of Baryta carbonica is 3 granules, 3 times a day. The most appropriate dilution in this case will be 9 CH.

Recommended dosages in case of respiratory diseases

In case of ENT conditions such as tonsillitis or ear infections, Baryta carbonica with low dilution (5CH) is recommended. In the case of a respiratory disorder such as senile asthma, treatment must last several years to achieve a complete recovery.

Other indications

In the case of a disease related to blood circulation such as artherosclerosis or blood pressure flare-ups, Baryta carbonica diluted to 15CH is the most recommended. This remedy is also effective in cases of prostatic adenoma. As far as bone degeneration is concerned, the dosage of Baryta carbonica in 5 CH is 9 granules per day to be divided into 3 doses.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Although Baryta carbonica is recommended for the alleviation of age-related disorders, it can also be used in the treatment of several childhood diseases. Even if there are no adverse side effects, it is always best to seek the advice of a specialist doctor before using the drug.

  1. Senescence pathologies
  2. Other indications
  3. Recommended dosages for sene ...
  4. Recommended dosages in case ...
  5. Other indications