Treating tonsillitis with homeopathy

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils that is more common in children than in adults. Homeopathy can provide the appropriate care for each symptom.

Tonsillitis, an inflammatory condition, may not be considered a disease, however, it can be a telltale sign of other health problems. Homeopathy takes care of this pathology for a treatment intended to avoid complications and recurrence.

Tonsillitis, a painful sore throat

Children between the ages of 3 and 7 are the most exposed to tonsillitis. Tonsillitis, commonly known as tonsillitis, is an acute inflammation of the pharynx, which mainly affects the tonsils. It is caused by the infection, mainly viral, but in other cases it can be caused by bacteria. The pain is felt even more when swallowing. The patient has a burning sensation in the throat and sometimes tingling. While infectious origin is usually the most common, other causes can explain this widespread sore throat such as tobacco smoke dust, excessive use of the voice or air that is too dry.

Symptoms of angina

The patient feels pain or discomfort when swallowing. Sometimes their breath may be unusually unpleasant. In addition, there can be bouts of fever with a temperature of more than 38°C. Another telltale sign of angina is that the voice is hoarse and there may even be temporary extinction. In caseous tonsillitis, the tonsils are inflamed and covered with a white film.

Treating angina with homeopathy

As soon as the first signs indicate that you have caught a cold and that fever is lurking, it is useful to take Aconitum napellus 9 CH at a rate of 5 granules every hour to calm the sore throat. If the skin is red and dry, swallowing is painful and there is profuse sweating, then you can opt to take 5 granules of Belladonna 9 CH every hour. In the case of a sore throat with a bright red colouring speckled with small whites with a stubborn feeling of thirst, a swollen and sensitive tongue, Mercurius corrosivus 30 CH is recommended.

In the case of a risk of abscess and suppuration, you can opt for Hepar sulfur 30 CH at the rate of two doses per day.

When the throat is dry, with a bright red coloring and pain that worsens on contact with the cold, Belladonna 4 CH is also very effective. When the onset is less sudden and the throat is not dry, it is then possible to opt for the intake of Mercurius solubilis 4 CH. If the neck hurts a lot to the touch and the left amygdala is more affected, it is advisable to take Lachesis 5 CH but, if on the other hand it is the right amygdala is more affected, then Lycopodium 5 CH is better. When the scraping produces a greyish secretion, it is possible to opt for Kalium muriaticum 5 CH. When you feel a sore throat and intense thirst, it is best to choose Cantharis 4 CH. All these drugs are to be taken at a rate of 5 granules, 2 to 4 times a day.

Treating caseous tonsillitis with homeopathy

In case of caseous tonsillitis, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Kalium muriaticum 9 CH twice a day, until the whitish film covering the tonsils finally disappears.

When to see a doctor?

An inaccurate diagnosis due to self-medication can be misleading in remedying the condition, so it is recommended to consult a doctor to define the precise origin of tonsillitis, in particular by highlighting the presence of beta-hemolytic streptococcus. The doctor will then be able to prescribe the necessary antibiotic therapy.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Thanks to homeopathy, it is possible to optimize the therapeutic effectiveness of antibiotic therapy in order to relieve tonsillitis more quickly.

  1. Tonsillitis, a painful sore ...
  2. Symptoms of angina
  3. Treating angina with homeopa ...
  4. Treating caseous tonsillitis ...
  5. When to see a doctor?

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