Tremor is a disorder that usually affects the elderly and results in the involuntary oscillation of a limb or the entire body. This is called a senile tremor, i.e. one related to old age. However, tremor can be psychological or neurological in origin. This is how it can happen to anyone under the influence of emotion, fear, anxiety or other factors to tremble. In many cases, tremor can be likened to spasmophilia, that is, to a disorder of the muscular system that manifests itself in unconscious movements.
the factor that triggers a tremor in an individual, it is always characterized by involuntary agitation. Some types of tremor can be age-related and prevent certain basic gestures such as grasping an object, writing and others. Sometimes the tremor is preceded by an occipital headache or diplopia. Finally, a tremor can be a precursor to Parkinson's disease. It manifests itself during muscle rest, i.e. when the patient is not moving.
Spasmodic tremor
Nervous tremor is the most common and does not spare any age category. To treat it, homeopathy recommends a number of remedies including Cicuta virosa and Argentum nitricum. These two remedies are the most appropriate to avoid tremors caused by a psychological shock characterized by a lack of courage. As far as tremors of emotional origin are concerned, Pulsatilla and Ignatia amara are the most recommended. Finally, for tremors characterized by exaltation and an indecisive gait, Agaricus muscarius is recommended.
Tremor and physiological disorders
Some tremors are accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, visual disturbance, urinary incontinence, diarrhea and paralysis. Gelsemium sempervirens is one of the basic homeopathic remedies to manage these different symptoms. But it is also possible to combine different remedies to reduce the severity and persistence of the tremor. Thus, Causticum, Alimuna and Mercurius are among the solutions usually recommended to overcome tremors accompanied by paresis, atrophy or ankylosis.
Tremors accompanied by fatigue
In some patients, tremor can be a telltale sign of generalized fatigue or physical and psychological asthenia. Zincum metalicum can be used to treat it and combine it with other remedies, especially if the tremor causes muscle, heart and respiratory problems. In the event of proven psychological fatigue, followed by depression, Hyosciamus niger is the effective remedy, especially if the tremor is preceded by over-excitement in the patient which manifests itself as aggressiveness or wandering.
When to see a doctor?
Only a doctor can determine what type of tremor it really is, which is why it is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disorder. As far as treatments are concerned, the advice of a homeopathic doctor is of great help with regard to dosages and the recommended number of doses. Moreover, each case of tremor must be treated with the appropriate remedies and according to a very precise dosage.