Kalium Phosphoricum or potassium phosphate is the result of combining potassium carbonate with a dilution of phosphoric acid. The mineral salt obtained in this way is one of Dr. Schüssler's twelve salts. In homeopathy, for the development of this remedy, potassium phosphate, which serves as a basic constituent, is reduced to powder and crushed with lactose. The homeopathic dilutions of this solution as well as the dynamization process between them, allow to preserve and strengthen its medicinal virtues. Kalium Phosphoricum is therefore a remedy of mineral origin or simply diluted and energized potassium phosphate for therapeutic purposes.
Behavioural disorders
The therapeutic action of Kalium Phosphoricum is greatly beneficial in reducing and curbing particularly troubling behavioural manifestations of various origins. This remedy makes it possible to effectively treat mental states or behavioral disorders resulting from intellectual overwork. It is a good therapeutic ally for overworked students, victims of irritability and difficulty concentrating, or physically and psychologically weakened, as well as lazy students or forgetful subjects. It thus contributes to the improvement of academic performance, especially since it acts effectively against memory disorders. It is also indicated in the presence of excessive nervousness and when behaviours characterized by anxiety, fear, impatience, stubbornness or depression prevail. Individuals who react in this way may use this remedy to combat night terrors, agoraphobia, mood swings, manic states, or sudden bursts of laughter or crying. The anti-depressant effects of Kalium Phosphoricum contribute to the improvement of the mood of melancholic subjects and alleviate the pervasive sadness of subjects who have lost the joy of life due to various reasons.
The field of application of Kalium Phosphoricum is also beneficial for women who have affected behaviour as a result of menstrual disorders (delayed menstruation) or childbirth. They can thus be relieved when they are anxious or victims of puerperal mania, a baby blue. The baby blue, a temporary state that occurs after childbirth, is characterized by mood swings, hypersensitivity and melancholy, which are postnatal reactions that reflect a lack of control over emotions and behaviour.
Recommended dosage in case of behavioral disorders
In the specific case of behavioral disorders occurring after childbirth or baby blue, the dosage is a dose of Kalium Phosphoricum 15 or 30 CH for three days in a row. In the presence of depressive behaviours associated with memory problems, three granules of Kalium Phosphoricum 9 CH should be taken three times a day. When the behaviour is marked by hypersensitivity and irritability following influenza, five 9 CH granules are recommended for subjects. This same dilution, at the rate of three granules in the evening, is recommended for lazy children and students who are unable to concentrate due to intellectual fatigue.