Iris versicolor: an effective remedy for the treatment of pain and gastroenterological disorders

Iris versicolor has various healing properties and can be used to treat several conditions. It is therefore an excellent remedy that has proven effectiveness and a multitude of clinical indications.

Native to North America, Iris Versicolor is a plant in the iridaceae family. Distinguished by its ornamental flowers, it is also used to develop a homeopathic remedy. It is precisely the rhizome of this plant that is macerated in alcohol. This process aims to obtain the mother tincture, which is then diluted several times. Between each dilution, the solution obtained is vigorously shaken in order to maintain and strengthen its medicinal properties. It is at the end of these procedures that he acquires all the characteristics of the homeopathic medicine called Iris versicolor.


The clinical indications for Iris versicolor are mainly related to several digestive pathologies. These include painful inflammation of the esophagus, gastric acidity and intense burns located in the epigastrium. This remedy not only alleviates these painful sensations, but also reduces the acidity level in the stomach. It also stops acid reflux and many other eating and digestive disorders. It is therefore rightly prescribed in the presence of gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal spasms, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting of mucus or sometimes sour liquid. Diarrhoea for which Iris versicolor should be used is characterised by cramps and pain in the anal area after bowel movements. The therapeutic properties of this drug also allow for the successful treatment of gastralgia, dyspepsia, and flatulent colic.

Pain treatment

Painful sensations can be localized to the digestive tract or other organs. Whether it is severe pain of an erratic or throbbing nature, the healing properties of Iris versicolor are of great therapeutic help to relieve patients facing migraine. It soothes localized pain in the head as well as ophthalmic or neuralgic migraines. This remedy is therefore prescribed in the presence of neuralgia, mainly those of the face. In rheumatology, this homeopathic medicine is recommended for the treatment of shoulder pain, aggravated by movement and pain that is limited to the joints. In laryngology, this remedy is used to treat sore throats or painful tonsillitis.

Recommended dosage in case of gastroenterological pathologies

For the treatment of gastric acidity, five granules of Iris versicolor 5 CH should be taken before each meal. In the specific case of stomach spasms, accompanied by pain, the dosage consists of taking three granules in 4 CH once a day. When diarrhoea is watery in nature or in the presence of burns along the digestive tract, five granules of Iris versicolor 5 CH are administered to patients one to three times a day.


resulting from a headache or migraine can be alleviated by taking Iris versicolor 5 CH in five granules one to three times a day. When the pain of a migraine attack is more intense and is associated with vision problems, the dosage is three granules of Iris versicolor 4 CH every five minutes. The doses will be spaced out according to the patient's condition. For pain in the anus or mouth, take five granules of Iris versicolor 5 CH every 30 minutes.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Iris Versicolor is a remedy that is very suitable for pregnant women. It is therefore a good therapeutic ally during pregnancy, as it is beneficial for obstetric care or in the presence of excessive salivation, nausea or vomiting.

  1. Gastroenterology
  2. Pain treatment
  3. Recommended dosage in case o ...

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