Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects 2-6% of the population in industrialized countries. This disease is debilitating and can have an impact on patients' social lives. In some cases, the patient with fibromyalgia cannot carry out his daily activities.
is a chronic pain that occurs in the muscles and tendons. It is caused by several factors, including metabolic or hormonal disturbances. It also occurs in people who are depressed or pessimistic. Physical inactivity, stress and diet are predisposing factors for fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is a difficult condition to diagnose. Its symptoms are usually related to migraine or chronic fatigue. To detect fibromyalgia, pain must be noted by exerting pressure on a few areas.
The main symptom of fibromyalgia is diffuse pain that persists for more than 3 months, muscle stiffness when getting up and chronic fatigue. The individual suffers from non-restorative sleep that causes physical fatigue. However, the duration and nature of the symptoms can vary depending on the level of stress that affects the patient. Several external factors such as climate can also influence symptoms. Thus, fibromyalgia can manifest itself through other signs such as headache, digestive tract disorders such as diarrhea, painful periods and irritability of the bladders.
Appropriate treatments
To treat pain that can be alleviated with massage, movement or heat, Colocynthis should be taken in 200 k once a week. The patient can relieve psychological symptoms such as irritability by accompanying the treatment with 3 granules of Rhus toxicodendron in 5 Ch, at a rate of 2 doses per day. Taking Arsenicum Album in 4 Ch, at a rate of 3 granules 2 times a day and for 6 weeks can soothe agitation, anxiety and the feeling of internal burning. Inflammation of the mucous membranes accompanied by chronic fatigue can be relieved with Alumina in 12 Ch, with a dosage of 5 granules to be taken once a week. It is also possible to use Bryonia in 4 Ch without combining it with Rhus toxicodendron. To relieve pain in the fingers, take Benzoïcum Acidum in 4 Ch for 2 months. Soothe shoulder pain with Ferrum Metallicum for a 2-month treatment.
Consult a doctor to avoid complications
It is necessary to consult a specialist when the patient's condition does not improve during treatment. In an individual who has recovered from fibromyalgia, the return of the disorders is also a warning sign to justify a visit to the doctor.