Relieve pain and liver problems with Chelidonium Majus

The homeopathic remedy Chelidonium Majus is very effective against liver diseases and hepatobiliary overload problems. It can indeed be used for the treatment of the latter.

Chelidonium Majus is a homeopathic remedy based on celandine plant, a plant also known as wart herb. It is prepared from the mother tincture of the latter, which is diluted and then dynamized to make it more effective. Chelidonium Majus is mainly used to treat liver diseases characterized by inflammation of the liver accompanied by pain in the right shoulder blade.


Chelidonium Majus is a homeopathic remedy used for the treatment of acute hepatitis that is often accompanied by jaundice or gallstones. It is also effective against constipation that causes discolored stools. Chelidonium Majus also relieves migraines caused by excess bile in the liver.

Recommended dosage

Generally, to treat acute hepatitis, the patient should be given 5 granules of Chelidonium Majus 4 CH, in the morning and evening for 15 days. But, in case of constipation, take 20 drinkable drops of Chelidonium 3DH diluted in a little water at noon and before dinner. The treatment will last one month. In case of migraine caused by a liver disorder, suck on 5 granules of Chelidonium Majus 7CH every 2 to 3 hours until the symptoms disappear. In addition, if the patient suffers from gallstones, he or she should melt 5 granules of Chelidonium Majus 5CH in his or her mouth, once a day until his or her condition improves. And if his stools are colorless and float in the water, the best thing to do is to place 3 granules of Chelidonium Majus 5CH under his tongue three times a day. The dosage will be the same if he complains of pain in the liver that radiates to the right shoulder blade and his stools are golden in color. It should be noted, however, that, whatever the symptoms of the liver disorder to be treated, Chelidonium Majus should always be taken outside of meals and should never be combined with an stimulant such as tobacco and coffee, and mint.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Chelidonium Majus is most effective when combined with other homeopathic remedies such as Berberis Vulgaris, Carduus Marianus, Taraxacum Dens Leonis or Solidago Virga Aurea. However, it should always be used as a background treatment because it is in no way an adjunct remedy.

  1. Hepatology
  2. Recommended dosage

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