Magnesia carbonica is a homeopathic remedy obtained by successive dilution of magnesium carbonate, better known as "white magnesia" or carbonate of magnesia. Magnesium carbonate is a chemical compound that occurs in the form of a white, light, odorless, and tasteless earthy mass. Magnesium carbonate is very poorly soluble in cold water, but dissolves easily in dilute acids. Thus, to make the mother tincture of Magnesia carbonica, the carbonate of magnesia is diluted in dilute acid and it is this solution that will be diluted as many times as necessary in order to obtain the required dose of the homeopathic remedy. Although Magnesia carbonica exists in many formulations, the most commonly used forms are granules and powder.
Magnesia carbonica, a remedy widely used in gastroenterology, is generally recommended to treat all disorders that may be observed in the mouth, throat, stomach, abdomen and for disorders related to evacuation. In the mouth, the patient feels burning pain in the evening and during the night. This pain is particularly felt in the teeth and also appears after eating. In addition, there is a vesicular rash on the tongue or even throughout the mouth. The patient constantly experiences a bitter or acidic taste and may have bloody saliva.
If the patient has no appetite for acidic foods and fruit, he also requires treatment with Magnesia carbonica. In addition, he may have constrictive stomach pain and complains of acid belching. Because of these acidic belches, he feels like all the food he eats tastes like straw. The patient usually suffers from nausea or even vomiting of bitter and acidic fluid. Also, he tends to feel thirsty at night.
In addition, many evacuation disorders require treatment with Magnesia carbonica. When the subject manifests greenish, drooling or creamy diarrhea, the remedy should be administered very quickly. In addition to these symptoms, he has a distended abdomen and feels sharp pain. Very often, the stool has an acidic smell and may contain, depending on the case, bloody mucus. In addition to these symptoms, the urine is increased, becomes greenish and pale.
Indications for the treatment of nerve pain
Magnesia carbonica is a widely used remedy for relieving and treating nerve pain. These pains are very violent, occur "in a flash" and worsen during the night. Sometimes, this pain forces the patient to perform continuous movements, such as walking. Usually, this type of pain is felt in the left side of the body. Magnesia carbonica is a remedy particularly recommended for treating facial neuralgia, especially pain localized in the left zygomatic muscles, leading the patient to become very nervous and at the same time exhausted.
Gynaecology Indications
In gynaecology, Magnesia carbonica is required to relieve painful menstruation, mainly when the pain occurs during the night and interferes with sleep. This mainly appears when menstruation is delayed and brief. They can also be more abundant at night than during the day, accompanied by pain. Generally, these pains are followed by a dark, sticky, viscous discharge. The woman often has a pale face and suffers from acid leucorrhoea.
Indications in ophthalmology
Magnesia carbonica is also widely used in ophthalmology, especially when pain is felt above the right eye socket. In addition, hardening and inflammation of the cornea can be observed. In the morning, the eyelids tend to clump together and the patient perceives black spots in his visual field. The appearance of these symptoms requires treatment with Magnesia carbonica.
Recommended dosages for gastroenterological disorders
In gastroenterology, Magnesia carbonica may be administered to infants as well as adults. If the infant emits loose or even watery stools, it is necessary to give him 10 granules of Magnesia carbonica 5 CH diluted in a little water. Colic can also be treated with 5 granules of Magnesia carbonica. This dose may be repeated until the patient's condition improves. In case of vomiting, it is also necessary to administer Magnesia carbonica 5 CH.
Other dosages
To treat nerve pain, gynaecological and ophthalmological disorders, it is best to consult a therapist so that he or she can prescribe the appropriate treatment for each case.