To avoid complications, eye disorders must be treated comprehensively, even if in most cases, the conditions are benign. Homeopathic remedies are effective but gentle solutions to manage these disorders.
Eye disorders and their manifestations
Various disorders can affect the eye. Some are caused by microbes and viruses, others are caused by allergies and still others are caused by bruises of various origins. These disorders can occur at any age.
Dry eye syndrome can be caused by excessive evaporation of tear fluid from the eyeball. At the time of menopause, women may be affected by it because of the decrease in tear secretion. The disorders then manifest themselves as a burning sensation and sometimes the patient has the impression of having sand in his eye, which also affects his vision. In addition, discomfort can also manifest itself as itching in the eye.
Red eye syndrome does not cause pain or decreased visual acuity. The disorder is usually due to the fragility of the capillaries, which explains the effusion of blood under the conjunctiva. This subconjunctival hemorrhage causes a homogeneous redness that can be spontaneous or post-traumatic. It can happen that the redness is concentrated on the periphery of the cornea, thus taking the form of a perikeratic circle that can disturb visual acuity.
The black eye, on the other hand, is a trauma that affects the tissues and causes a purplish-blue coloration all around the eye. It is usually due to a shock caused by a punch, a blow from a ball or other. This contusion is usually not serious.
The stye is also a fairly common disorder. It is a boil that appears at the base of the eyelid eyelash, originating from a bacterium called staphylococcus. Chalazion, a variant of the stye, is a subcutaneous inflammatory nodule that appears on a sebaceous gland in the eyelid.
Conjunctivitis is the most common and manifests itself as redness of the eye and irritation of the conjunctiva. The patient is subject to continuous tearing and sometimes pus may appear which, as it dries, sticks the eyelids together.
Symptoms associated with eye holes
The symptoms of eye disorders are generally easy to recognize and already allow for a proper diagnosis. A person with dry eye cannot tolerate light or drafts. In addition, itching in the eye announces or shows the condition. The symptoms of red eye, on the other hand, are confused with the manifestations of the disorder which cause a homogeneous redness to appear, unlike conjunctivitis, for which a diffuse heterogeneous redness is noted.
Relieving eye disorders with gentle methods
Homeopathic remedies have the particularity of being less aggressive than conventional remedies. Made from natural substances, they are administered by including infinitesimal doses of the substances responsible for the pathology to be treated. The research led to the development of appropriate drugs for each case. The homeopathic method generally tends to establish a treatment at the bottom of diseases to avoid recurrences. A few examples can be cited. Thus, Natrum muriaticum was developed for red eyes (color generated by conjunctival hemorrhage) and dry eyes with a feeling of sand in the eyes. In addition, until the redness disappears, Hamamelis virginiana 5 CH, should be taken at a rate of 5 granules three times a day. Lycopodium treats dry eye, the pain of which is aggravated by the night and a fairly hot temperature. To treat a "black" eye, it is also advisable to take Arnica Montana 9 CH and Ledum palustre 5 CH, at a rate of 5 granules of each, 4 times a day for 1 week. The examination by the ophthalmologist can also have the side effect of glare, the duration of which can be reduced by taking 5 granules of Belladonna 5 CH every quarter of an hour for 1 hour.
When to see a doctor?
In the general case, it is always advisable to consult a doctor if the patient is a child or a baby. Thus, if the child is subject to intense tearing, if his eyelids are swollen or if purulent secretions are released, the ophthalmologist is the only one authorized to prescribe the appropriate remedy. Similarly, if the newborn is affected by an obstruction of the tear ducts or has nasal conditions, self-medication should be avoided at all costs.