Amylium Nitrosum is a homeopathic product made from amyl nitrite strain. The latter is a chemical product with a vasodilatory property, hence the specific property of this homeopathic remedy also made from lactose and sucrose. It is presented in the form of doses, globules and granules depending on the laboratory that designs it. But Amylium Nitrosum can also come in the form of hydro-alcoholic solutions such as ampoules, drinkable drops and mother tinctures. The use of this product is not limited to the treatment of gynecological problems, as it is also indicated for other ailments.
Main indications in gynecology
Amylium Nitrosum is specially indicated to relieve gynecological disorders and problems in women. These disorders correspond to problems with blood circulation during menopause, especially at the beginning of menopause. These circulation problems are most often manifested by a feeling of cold, intense hot flashes, profuse sweating, continuous stretching, narrowing of the cervix, yawning, nervousness, great tenderness and weakness of the body.
The use of Amylium Nitrosum is not limited to the treatment of gynecological problems related to menopause. Indeed, thanks to its vasodilatory property, Amylium Nitrosum is also indicated for relieving vascular problems in the neck and head. In this case, it can be safely administered to a breastfeeding woman as well as to a pregnant woman.
Recommended dosages
If the symptoms to be treated correspond to a feeling of extreme cold as well as hot flashes, Amylium Nitrosum diluted to 5 or 7 CH is recommended. As far as the intake is concerned, the patient should take five granules of the product to be melted under the tongue. The frequency should be two to three times a day depending on the severity of the symptoms. For Amylium Nitrosum to work effectively, it is recommended to take it outside of meals and to avoid consuming products containing mint, but also to keep stimulants such as coffee and tobacco away.