Periplebitis is a disease that affects the veins, it can be superficial or deep. The outer layer of the veins and surrounding tissues become irritated due to the formation of a blood clot inside the veins. This clot can then block blood flow and lead to venous insufficiency. Peripklebitis is a disease that differs from varicose veins because it appears after a long period of immobilization of a limb. Varicose veins can become complicated and lead to periphlebitis, especially in the legs.
Symptoms of periphlebitis
Periplebitis usually manifests itself as pain similar to needle tingling in the affected area. The affected vein becomes red and hard, and the surrounding area is painful if touched. In the case of deep periphlebitis, the subject feels heat in the area concerned and the limb may swell, have edema or become numb at the end of the day. The subject may feel heaviness and cramps if the disease occurs in the legs, these two symptoms being especially accentuated during the night. Finally, periphlebitis can also manifest as itching in the irritated vein.
Homeopathic treatments for periphlebitis
Homeopathy offers many solutions for the symptoms of periphlebitis. This is particularly the case with Witch Hazel, which is recommended against heaviness in the legs. Two doses of 5 granules per day of Witch Hazel 3 to 6 H are the recommended dosage. On the other hand, if the feeling of heavy legs is accompanied by mottling on the irritated part, Pulsatilla 4 to 9 H is recommended, at a rate of 2 to 3 daily doses. Against congestion and tingling sensations, Aesculus hippocastanatum effectively reduces pain. In case of oedema, 3 granules of Apis mellifica 5 CH, 3 to 4 times a day, or Vipera 4 to 5 hours, 2 to 3 times a day, are recommended. If periphlebitis occurs in pre-existing varicose veins, these can be eradicated with Calcarea fluorica 4 H and Zincum metal 4 to 5 H. Finally, if the subject has aches and pains in addition to the symptoms of periphlebitis, it is recommended to apply Arnica to the irritated area.
Consult a doctor
As soon as symptoms appear, it is recommended to treat the pathology with homeopathic remedies. However, if symptoms persist, it is recommended to consult a doctor. There are a few special cases that require the use of a doctor. This is the case, for example, when pain appears in the rib cage. Indeed, periphlebitis can lead to pulmonary embolism. Seeing a doctor is also recommended for adult men over the age of 50, who are at risk of developing prostate cancer.