Millions of people regularly practice at least one sport. Although necessary, the physical efforts made during the practice of a sport are sometimes a source of problems and minor injuries. The human body is a bit like a complicated machine that should not be worn out unnecessarily, but also needs constant maintenance. Thus, it is advisable to do sports and physical effort to have good health. However, these exercises will force the muscles to expend more energy and resources than a balanced diet can always provide. In addition, a body that is not yet used to such practices may present certain disorders manifested by pain or discomfort of varying degrees of pain.
The possible risks of physical exertion for the body
The main risks that can result from physical exertion most often affect the muscles. Thus, these types of exercises are often the cause of various disorders such as sprains, cramps and aches. These signs can be painful or simply annoying, and are often accompanied by severe fatigue due to poor muscle recovery. Depending on the person, physical exertion and sport can also lead to agitation, anxiety and insomnia, especially in high-level athletes. Dehydration is also one of the risks faced by those who perform intense physical exercise.
Homeopathy before each physical effort
Unlike doping products, the products offered by homeopathy to athletes do not present any danger to health. From the first 15 days before each intensive sports activity session, taking 3 granules of Arnica montana 7 CH when you wake up will ensure better muscle recovery. If the athlete also takes 3 granules of Rhus toxicodendron 7 CH before going to bed, his muscles and joints will be safe from trauma. Aconitum napellus 15 CH provides psychological support since it reduces anxiety and stress before a competition.
Homeopathy during physical effort
To avoid any problem of dehydration during an event such as the marathon or trekking, China rubra 9 CH is to be taken during exercise. The effectiveness of the latter is optimized if taken with Natrum muriaticum 9 CH. To reduce the risk of muscle cramps and spasms, the use of Cuprum metallicum 5 CH is strongly recommended.
Homeopathy after physical exertion
Taking Arnica montana 9 CH alternating with Ferrum metallicum 5 CH is the best formula for rapid muscle recovery. Calcarea fluorica 4 CH is particularly recommended for athletes who already have a joint problem. Finally, as physical exertion is sometimes the cause of various digestive disorders, such as nausea, bloating and diarrhea as well as bad breath, taking Arnica montana 15 CH every quarter of an hour may be necessary for some people.
When should you see a doctor?
Physical exertion, no matter how intense, is very rarely the cause of serious problems requiring medical attention. On the other hand, for a person who is not used to imposing intensive physical activities on his body, a medical examination is always required. In addition, major trauma such as fractures or bleeding should always be examined by a doctor.