A sprain is a stretch or tear of the ligaments located in a joint, which is usually caused by sudden movements. Some people are more likely to suffer from this ligament trauma than others. This is the case for high-level athletes, the elderly or overweight and those who have already had them before. In addition, intense exercises performed without warming up, insufficient or inappropriate training, muscle fatigue, the use of a playing surface in poor condition and the wearing of inappropriate shoes are all factors that promote the twisting of the joint.
Symptoms of a sprain
Sprains are manifested by pain and swelling in the joint and, in some cases, by bruising. Its degree of severity is determined according to its symptoms. In the case of a mild sprain, the pain is bearable so that the sufferer can still move, the swelling only appears the next day or after a few hours, and the stretching of the ligaments does not cause bruising.
In the case of a moderate sprain, the pain allows only limited movement, the joint swells in less than 4 hours and has a bruise. If the sprain is severe, the patient suffers from severe pain as well as a cracking sensation and has great difficulty moving the joint. Bruising and swelling then appear in just a few minutes.
Homeopathic treatment in internal application
The treatment in internal application is recommended if the injury is not located in the muscle. The homeopathic remedies to be administered will be in the form of granules and will be taken orally. The dosage is usually 3 granules to be put under the tongue, 3 times a day for 5 to 6 days. Generally, the treatment will be based on Arnica 9 CH, a remedy that reduces the risk of internal hematomas.
In case of swelling and pain in the joint, Bryonia 5 CH will be recommended. Ruta 4CH, on the other hand, will be prescribed if the injury is close to the bone or affects the bone. This remedy can be combined with Arnica 9CH which will be administered at a rate of 5 to 6 granules every hour. And to treat repeated sprains that are due to mistreatment, you must use either Natrum Carbonicum 9CH or Calcarea fluor 9CH. 3 granules of one of these remedies will be taken 3 times a day for 15 days.
Local homeopathic treatment
For a local treatment, it is necessary to give light massages to the swelling using the anti-inflammatory Arnica ointment. In order to reduce the pain, it is best to also coat the sprain with a mixture of essential oils prepared from 8 ml of Helichrysum Italienum, 5 ml of Calophyllum Prophthyllum and 2 ml of Laurus Mobilis, three times a day for two to three days. In addition, Ledum 4CH can be applied with a compress to cold and numb areas.
When to see a doctor?
Consulting a doctor in the event of a sprain is recommended if the pain is unbearable or persists after a week or if the injured limb cannot be moved or is dislocated. If the risk of fracture is high, an X-ray as well as a magnetic resonance imaging test that allows you to see the condition of the ligaments would even be necessary. In addition, in the event that no effectiveness of the homeopathic treatment is noted after two days, it is preferable to go see an osteopath who will be able to have sessions done to correct the first lesions.