Treating extrasystole with homeopathy

Extrasystole is a very common disorder. Each manifestation corresponds to a homeopathic solution that is based on non-aggressive and effective remedies.

Extrasystole is a heart rhythm disorder that can take two forms: the extrasystole of the atrium and that of the ventricle. This pathology affects a large majority of the population. Its treatment consists of eradicating the origins of the disease by means of homeopathy.

Extrasystole, a relatively common pathology

Extrasystole is a disorder that affects the heart rhythm: the contraction of one of the chambers of the heart - the atrium or ventricle - occurs prematurely. These irregular contractions can affect quality of life. In general, ventricular extrasystole manifests itself with age. A healthy lifestyle prohibiting tobacco, coffee and alcohol can mitigate its effects.

Symptoms of extrasystole

In most cases, the patient does not feel the effects of extrasystole on a daily basis. On analysis, however, the pulse is irregular and one has the feeling that beats are missing. The pathology, which is generally commonplace, is only felt in specific conditions: during outbursts of anger, sleep or after meals. During its manifestation, we have the sensation that the heart stops. The normal beating resumes with a big blow to the chest.

Homeopathic treatments for extrasystole

Homeopathic treatments for extrasystole depend on its origins. In case of coffee palpitations, take Nux vomica 7 CH and Coffea 5 CH at bedtime. In case of palpitations due to movement with headaches, take Spigelia 7 CH. When they appear following an annoyance, take Ignata 7 CH. Palpitations that affect a woman who has reached menopause are relieved by Berberis 9 CH. To resolve cases of minor heart rhythm disorders, take 5 granules daily of Digitalis purpurea 7 CH or 9 CH until the condition improves.

When to see the doctor?

It is strongly recommended to always have an ultrasound as soon as a cardiovascular abnormality occurs. It makes it possible to reveal the existence of heart diseases. A visit to the doctor is imperative when extrasystoles occur in series, when the heart beats at a high rate or when the beats are irregular. A consultation or a quick hospitalization is necessary when you feel chest pain or when you lack breath.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Digitalis purpurea is one of the homeopathic remedies recommended to treat heart disorders. It can be taken both as a prevention and as a treatment for extrasystole.

  1. Extrasystole, a relatively c ...
  2. Symptoms of extrasystole
  3. Homeopathic treatments for e ...
  4. When to see the doctor?

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