Asthenopia is eye fatigue that occurs as a result of sustained effort of the eye. Because of prolonged exposure to television and computers, this disorder is now more and more common. However, aging can also be the cause, as can any repetitive work done in insufficient lighting. Asthenopia comes in two forms, namely accomodative asthenopia, which requires the wearing of glasses or contact lenses, and muscular asthenopia, which must be treated by eye gymnastics. The subjects most susceptible to this disorder are video game addicts, workers who use computers, as well as professionals in the arts and crafts who require extreme precision.
A person with asthenopia has difficulty sustaining long efforts with the eyes, especially when observing or examining an object. The symptoms usually manifest themselves as irritated eyes, burning, itching and heaviness, as well as dry eyes or pronounced tearing. Eye strain is most often felt at the end of the day, but in some cases, it can manifest itself as soon as you wake up. The most significant symptoms are first pain in the eyes, eyebrows, forehead and temple, then photophobia preventing the affected subject from tolerating light. In some cases, vision is blurred and the object observed may even be duplicated. Finally, the subject with photophobia may sometimes be a victim of dizziness or nausea.
order to relieve asthenopia occurring following prolonged exposure to the odinator, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Jaborandi 5 CH per day for one month, especially if the symptoms are accompanied by visual fog and difficulty concentrating. If the affected person suffers from chronic migraines, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Paris quadrifolia 5 CH per day. To reduce eye pain, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Ruta graveolens 5 CH three times a day. When the eye becomes red, it is best to take 5 granules of Arnica montana 5 CH 3 times a day.
When to see a doctor?
It is imperative to consult a doctor when the eyes are irritated and red. Similarly, you should consult a doctor immediately if the light bothers you and if headaches occur when lying down. Finally, it should be noted that only the doctor can give an accurate diagnosis of abundant tearing or dry eyes.