Treating hernia with homeopathy

Any mass formed by an organ that has emerged outside its natural cavity is referred to as a hernia. Hernia symptoms, hiatal or otherwise, can be effectively treated with various homeopathic strains.

The term hernia refers to the exit of an organ or a piece of an organ from the place that should normally contain it. The hernia is then caused by the internal dilation of a softened muscle area or when an organ enters this part and as a result, it can appear in various places of the body where there is muscle relaxation.

A hernia can manifest itself in different ways and diaphragmatic or hiatal hernia is characterized by a protrusion of part of the stomach into the chest cavity through the diaphragm. An inguinal hernia, on the other hand, most often occurs in the groin area, while a herniated disc is a protrusion of an intervertebral disc that usually results from significant pressure on the spine. Being overweight, pregnancy, age and certain genetic abnormalities can cause a herniated disc and in many cases, it affects the lower back, but it can also occur in the neck. If the protrusion compresses one of the roots of the sciatic nerve, it can cause sciatic neuralgia.


A hiatal hernia is sometimes asymptomatic, but when the disease occurs, it causes acid to flow from the stomach to the esophagus. This gastroesophageal reflux disease causes burning sensations in the stomach, can also lead to regurgitation, permanent belching and possibly hemorrhage.

An inguinal hernia may also not have symptoms, but people with it often experience discomfort when bending over or trying to lift an object. They then feel the presence of a foreign body in the groin which disappears when they are in a lying position.

The symptoms of a herniated disc vary from patient to patient, but usually this condition causes low back pain or lumbago if it is localized to the lower back. If it is located in the neck, it causes stiffness and pain in the neck.

Recommended treatment

To treat the symptoms of a hiatal hernia, the patient's transit must first be improved. To do this, he is prescribed 5 hours at the beginning of the Nux Vomica treatment, at the rate of one dose before the meal and another 10 after eating. If he is pale, nauseous and has stomach cramps with gas emissions, he is given Ipeca. In case he has belching and stomach pain aggravated by the intake of sugary food, Argentum Nitricum is advised. Bloating after the meal, flatulence and dyspepsia caused by a hernia will be treated with Kalium Carbonicum.

In most cases, the indicated treatment is Asa Foetida 15 CH, taken once a week, combined with Cuprum Arsenicum 15 CH, 3 granules, 3 times a day, Sulfuricum Acidum 15 CH, 3 granules, 3 times a day and Nux Moschata 9 CH at a dose of 3 granules, 3 times a day.

When to see a doctor?

If esophageal reflux is accompanied by weight loss, digestive bleeding and anemia, a medical consultation is necessary. In addition, if you have back pain accompanied by fever, great weakness or that is slow to heal despite massages and rest, you should see a doctor who can prescribe the appropriate treatment. In any case, since most hernias can be asymptomatic, any foreign and abnormal lumps located anywhere in the body should be medically examined.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


At present, there are many homeopathic preparations to treat a hiatal hernia, but there are none available to treat a herniated disc or a hiatal hernia.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Recommended treatment
  3. When to see a doctor?