Treating rheumatological conditions with Hekla Lava

Hekla Lava is a homeopathic remedy indicated for treating bone and dental infections. It is particularly effective for the treatment of dental abscesses.

Hekla Lava is an ash from the Icelandic volcano Hekla. Its properties were discovered by physician Garth Wilkinson who observed that sheep grazing on the slopes of the Hekla volcano developed maxillary exostoses or a benign tumor of the tooth. He concluded that this ash would be effective against rheumatological pain such as heel spurs or parrot's beak. Hekla Lava also gives good results against dental infections such as abscesses and complications following tooth extraction.

Hekla Lava

is prescribed to treat necrosis or bone swelling, tooth decay, gum infection, nasal ulcers and lymph node infections. This remedy is also effective against pain to the touch or pressure such as heel spurs or osteoporosis. Clinical tests have shown that Hekla Lava has positive results for the treatment of cheek swelling and bone suppuration.

Hekla Lava for dental pain

Hekla Lava works against infections, abscesses and gum breakdown following tooth extraction. In the case of dental suppuration, it is recommended to take Silicea in 12, 15 and 30 Ch for 60 days. Against abscesses, Hekla Lava promotes inflammation of the area which will lead to the release of pus. The patient must take 3 gr of Hekla Lava 30 K for 1 month to treat the abscess. For optimal effectiveness, Hekla Lava treatment is recommended over the long term.

The Hekla Lava dosage for treating bone pain

is mainly indicated to treat heel spurs, which comes in two forms. In young adults, heel spurs are characterized by severe pain felt while walking. In adults over the age of 70, it is characterized by pain in the heels when waking up and lasting for several hours. The pain subsides after a physical activity session, but intensifies towards the end of the day. For both forms of conditions, the indicated dosage is 2 granules of Hekla Lava 4 Ch, to be taken 3 times a day for 3 to 6 months. Alternative treatment should be chosen if the condition worsens. Note that tests have revealed that Hekla Lava cures 95% of subjects with heel spurs. Hekla Lava also works against Osgood-Schlatter disease, which is an inflammation of the kneecap in adolescents. The treatment consists of taking Hekla Lava in 4 Ch for one month at a rate of 3 granules per day. During the second month, the subject should take Hekla Lava phosphate 3 times a day for 5 days a week.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


Hekla Lava is one of the homeopathic remedies indicated to treat anxiety and outbursts of anger.

  1. Hekla Lava
  2. Hekla Lava for dental pain
  3. The Hekla Lava dosage for tr ...

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