Hematuria is defined as the presence of blood in the urine due to significant traces of red blood cells in this fluid. But it should be noted that there is no immediate risk of bleeding out.
Nature and manifestation of hematuria
There are two types of hematuria. Macroscopic hematuria that shows red urine. But three periods should be mentioned: the initial hematuria which manifests itself at the beginning of urination, the total hematuria which is seen throughout urination and the terminal hematuria which takes place at the end of urination.
The second type is microscopic hematuria where traces of blood are only revealed after screening. Indeed, the eye cannot detect the presence of blood in the urine. The person responsible for the bleeding can be one of the elements of the urinary organ, including the kidney or the bladder.
presence of blood in the urine is a serious clue to consider, even if certain physiological conditions and pathologies sometimes give the urine a red colour. Feeling pain when urinating can also be a symptom of hematuria. As soon as you detect the presence of blood in the urine and a dark discoloration of this fluid, you should quickly consult a doctor.
Homeopathic treatment of hematuria
Hematuria in all its forms is treated with Terbinthina (100%). Use Erigeron Canadense (80%) for bladder hematuria and Erigeron canadense (60%) for renal hematuria. As for inflammatory hematuria, take Cantharis (80%), while renal hematuria can be treated with Gossypium herbeceum (60%).
Erigeron canadensis 4 CH to 9 CH should be taken depending on the symptoms and the various manifestations of hematuria. For renal colic that causes pain in the glans, groin and thighs, take Pereira brava. In the presence of meatus pruritus, red urinary sediment or bladder cathar with tenesmus, use 3 granules of Cocus cacti 5 CH, 3 times a day. The presence of sand, small gravels in the urine or pain at the end of urination should be treated with Sarsaparilla 5 CH at a rate of 3 granules, 3 times a day.