Hydrastis Canadensis, a remedy with multiple benefits

Hydrastis Canadensis is a homeopathic remedy with multiple virtues. It is used in particular to treat infections of the mucous membranes with yellowish and viscous secretions.

Hydrastis Canadensis is a homeopathic remedy that comes from a plant native to North America, goldenseal, whose scientific name is hydrastis canadensis. This plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. The remedy is obtained from the root of the plant, the underground part that keeps this plant alive during the winter. Goldenseal, also known as the gold seal, has therapeutic properties through its production of the isoquinolean alkaloid. The homeopathic remedy Hydrastis Canadensis derived from this plant and extraction process is used to treat many ailments including infections and discharge in the back of the throat. Versatile, this remedy is also prescribed in many other areas such as gastritis, constipation and dyspepsia.

Treatment of chronic ENT infections

Hydrastis Canadensis is recommended to relieve chronic inflammation located in the ENT. Thus, it is used in the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, blepharo-conjunctivitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, and chronic pharyngitis. Many ENT disorders can be treated with Hydrastis Canadensis, such as burning sensations and inflammation in the eyes, accompanied by a yellowish discharge. It is also used to relieve ear pain, even hearing loss or burning sensations in the tongue. The remedy is particularly suitable for treating these diseases, especially in the presence of yellow, viscous and thick secretion.

Hydrastis Canadensis is also a good remedy for gastric disorders and is the best treatment for many ailments such as constipation, diarrhea or hemorrhoids. It is especially recommended for treating stomach laziness, lack of appetite, or even aversion to food. Similarly, it is recommended in case of indigestion accompanied by acid regurgitation and sometimes palpitations and weight loss.

Treatment of cancer symptoms and physical weakness


an attack remedy, Hydrasis Canadensis has often been used to treat severe cases close to cancer and has been shown to be very effective. It is particularly recommended for serious diseases of the skin, stomach, breast and liver. In cases where the patient shows signs of great fatigue and weakness indicative of cancer or a pre-cancerous condition, Hydrasis Canadensis can be used as a treatment. Symptoms include a change in skin colour, pallor, low blood pressure, significant weight loss and depression.

In general, Hydrastis Canadensis also provides valuable help in combating physical weakness without associated disease. It is therefore particularly prescribed for physically fragile or tired people and the elderly. This state of great fatigue is sometimes accompanied by a cold or a sudden fainting. Heavy bleeding is also observed in the event of wounds or wounds. For all these cases, Hydrastis Canadensis relieves all the associated symptoms.

Hydrastis Canadensis is used in particular for the treatment of muscle pain, respiratory disorders, lung diseases, such as dyspnoea or asthma. In certain types of mental and psychological pathologies, the use of Hydrastis Canadensis is beneficial to patients. Thus, this remedy is used in the case of a great depression that leads the patient to think about suicide. It is also recommended in cases of mental laziness leading to forgetfulness or even disturbance of the internal organs.

Recommended dosage in case of infections with yellowish secretions

Suitable for treating and relieving many ailments, Hydrastis Canadensis must be taken according to the right dosage for good effectiveness. In general, the appropriate treatment will be prescribed by the homeopath and the dosage of the medication must be scrupulously adhered to. This remedy is often used over a short period of time.

In the case of mucous membrane infections with yellowish secretions, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Hydrastis Canadensis 5 CH 3 to 4 times a day. In case of sinusitis with a thick secretion, Hydrastis canadensis 9 CH is preferred, the recommended dosage being 3 granules to be taken 3 times a day. Similarly, for pharyngitis with yellow mucus, the appropriate treatment will be Hydrastys Canadensis 9 CH at a rate of 3 granules 3 times a day.

Recommended dosage for constipation in pregnant women and states of great weakness

To treat constipation in pregnant women or after childbirth, the recommended dosage is 3 granules of Hydrastis Canadensis 5 CH to be taken 3 times a day. For chronic constipation, still during pregnancy, the dosage will be modified. It is then advisable to take 5 granules of Hydrastis Canadensis 5 CH per dose, only in the morning and evening.

To treat states of great weakness and fatigue with symptoms such as pallor of the complexion, thinness and weakness of the immune defenses, but also in cases of cold and oral sores, the appropriate dosage is 5 granules of Hydrastis Canadensis 4 CH to be taken 3 times a day.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


Hydrastis Canadensis is recommended for the treatment of several pathologies, particularly in the treatment of infections of various origins such as skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal, biliary or ocular infections. However, it is advisable not to prolong the intake of the remedy beyond two weeks.

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  2. Treatment of cancer symptoms ...
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