Treating canker sores with homeopathy

Canker sores, ulcerations that appear in the oral mucosa, are slightly painful and above all annoying. They can be treated in about 2 weeks through appropriate homeopathic remedies.

Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcerations, are small lesions located on the mucous membrane of the mouth, inside the cheeks or lips or on the tongue. Sometimes they are located on the roof of the mouth or gums, but this is rarer. When canker sores become recurrent and appear in various parts of the body, including the oral, anal, vulvar or pituitary mucosa, it is called aphthosis. Canker sores are generally benign but painful and disabling for chewing. They are often accompanied by painful lymph nodes, located under the mandible. A basic treatment with homeopathy can overcome these ailments. A widespread, recurrent canker sore can indicate other pathologies, a disorder of the immune system or simply a lack of vitamins and should therefore be monitored closely.

Symptoms of canker sores

The area affected by canker sores is hollowed out by red lesions covered with a small yellowish-white spot. A mild canker sore does not leave a scar and disappears after about 2 weeks. The extensive form only resolves after several weeks and sometimes leaves a scar. An aphthous ulceration is not contagious but often recurrent. In severe cases, they appear in a chain.

Small canker sores form in groups and measure about 1 millimetre in diameter, while large ones have an irregular shape. Canker sores are painful, even before the appearance of oral lesions. The patient may feel tingling or burning sensations. Pain is mostly felt when eating iced or overly hot foods. In the event of a complication, canker sores can lead to a feeling of fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and fever.

Causes of canker sores and aphthoses

Doctors have not yet determined the true origins of canker sores and aphthoses. A few hypotheses are assumed, such as allergies or heredity, even if genetic transmission is not proven. Canker sores can be caused by small wounds in the wall of the mouth or by certain types of food. It is noticeable that canker sores are more common in women at the time of their menstruation. Finally, stress is also a possible cause of this pathology. Indeed, during examination periods, some young people present with canker sores, the cause of which is not well determined.

Internal homeopathic treatments

Three remedies are recommended to treat mouth ulcers. Borax 9 CH or Mercurius corrosivus 7 CH should be taken systematically. Kalium bichromicum 9 CH is a good remedy if the canker sores have a rounded shape and are cut out with a cookie cutter. Sulfuricum acidum 5 CH is given when burning sensations are relieved by drinking warm liquid. These remedies should be taken at the first symptoms, the usual dosage being 5 granules every 2 hours, then 2 times a day when the symptoms subside. They can be combined with other remedies depending on the symptoms: Nitricum acidum 6 CH in the case of stinging pain, Mercurius solubilis 6 CH in the presence of strong salivation and bad breath and Sulfuricum acidum 5 CH in the case of yellowish fluid exuding from the lesion.

Local homeopathic treatments

To complete the treatment, local homeopathic treatments are recommended consisting of daily mouthwashes. The most commonly used remedies are Calendula officinalis and Hydrastis canadensis in mother tincture to be used 3 times a day as a mouthwash. Calendula has a calming, disinfecting and healing action, while hydrastis is calming and healing. It is advisable to mix the 2 mother tinctures at a rate of 10 drops of each to be diluted in a glass of water.

When to see a doctor?

Generally, a mouth ulcer is treated by the patient himself with mouthwashes and homeopathic remedies. When the pain is recurrent, it becomes necessary to consult a doctor, in particular to try to determine the cause of the ulceration in order to eradicate the disorder at the source. The doctor then performs a complete examination of the oral cavity to make sure that it is not a symptom of a much more serious condition.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Basic remedies and specific remedies, supplemented by mouthwash, ensure a complete and gentle treatment of canker sores in adults and children. Borax 5 CH is particularly suitable for infants who cannot breastfeed.

  1. Symptoms of canker sores
  2. Causes of canker sores and a ...
  3. Internal homeopathic treatme ...
  4. Local homeopathic treatments
  5. When to see a doctor?

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