Treating gastroenterological disorders with Sulfuricum acidum

Gastroenterology encompasses many pathologies, most of which are treated with Sulfuricum acidum as an antacid and sedative for stomach pain.

Sulfuricum acidum is derived from sulphuric acid, the distinctive sign of which is corrosiveness. Sulphuric acid is capable of causing irreversible damage to the eyes and skin, hence the need to take precautions before handling it. However, after dilution, Sulfuricum acidum has become a homeopathic medicine that treats heartburn that usually occurs after a quick meal.

Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is defined as the passage of a quantity of stomach acid into the esophagus, giving rise to acid reflux and sometimes even pieces of undigested food. Gastroesophageal reflux disease can affect any healthy individual, but it can become a pathology when reflux is frequent. To remedy this, the homeopath often resorts to the prescription of Sulfuricum acidum to anticipate acid reflux. The patient may also experience an insatiable need to eat fresh fruit to feel better or alcoholic pick-me-ups to relieve seizures.

Treatment of pyrosis

Sulfuricum acidum makes it possible to treat pyrosis, which is none other than one of the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. During the intermittent attack, the patient emits sour and acidic belching, and his stomach is aching when he leaves the table. In this type of manifestation of gastric disorder, Sulfuricum acidum acts directly on the stomach to counteract pyrosis and cancel stomach pain so that stomach acid cannot travel up to the esophageal sphincter.

Treatment of colic associated with asthenia

Some manifestations of diarrhoea are accompanied by fatigue and abdominal and lower back pain. In this regard, diarrhoea presents itself as flatulence sequences and only the fact of swallowing carbonated drinks seems to relieve the stomach during attacks. In order to avoid the recurrence of attacks of this kind, it is advisable to take Sulfuricum acidum, the dosage of which will be prescribed by the homeopath.

Treatment for diarrhoea associated with lipothymia

If the diarrhoea manifests itself as foamy stools with yellowish mucus and an acidic odour, it is best to take Sulfuricum acidum. Sometimes, the patient has the impression of having an empty stomach after each bowel movement and feels unwell or dizzy at the time of defecation, therefore lipothymia. These discomforts can also accompany bloody, black stools. In this case, the appropriate homeopathic remedy is Sulfuricum acidum.

Treatment for alcohol dependence

Sulfuricum acidum is involved in gastric reflux due to alcoholism. In this type of situation, the patient emits belching sometimes followed by hemorrhage and turns out to be suffering from pancreatitis after a more thorough diagnosis. The patient may even have a certain deficiency in his mental faculties.

Dosage in case of gastric pain soothed by satiety

Three doses of 3 granules of Sulfuricum acidum per day will be prescribed for a patient who has stomach disorders. On the other hand, unlike other gastric pathologies, this one calms down as soon as the subject reaches satiety.

Dosage in case of gastritis

Gastritis is characterized by a permanent feeling of sour in the mouth from belching. To cure it, you must ingest Sulfuricum acidum three times a day and for a dose that is composed of three granules.

Dosage in case of heartburn

If the patient complains of heartburn, the suitable homeopathic remedy will be Sulfuricum acidum 4 CH. In this case, he must take 4 granules, three or twice a day.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine