Fighting canker sores and motion sickness with Borax

Borax is a remedy that is used in homeopathy to quickly and effectively relieve certain stomatological and dermatological conditions.

Derived from sodium tetraborate or sodium borate, Borax is a homeopathic strain intended to treat and cure certain pathological problems of the skin and mucous membranes. The mucous membranes we are talking about here correspond mainly to the walls of the gums and mouth. Generally, it is Borax 9 CH or 15 CH that is prescribed by homeopaths because their actions are not limited to the treatment of skin and mucous membrane problems.

Borax is the main indication for Borax


which is mainly used to treat skin rashes such as mouth ulcers. Generally found in children and infants, these lesions correspond to small ulcerations located on the oral mucous membranes. More precisely, they are located on the inside of the cheeks, at the bottom of the tongue or near the edge of the lips. They are oval or round in shape, whitish in colour and surrounded by an inflammatory halo. It should be noted that canker sores in themselves are benign ulcers, but they are very painful and the subject and will have difficulty eating. Whatever their form, Borax treats and treats these canker sores. Indeed, there are bloody canker sores, canker sores with painful ulcers, canker sores accompanied by diarrhoea in infants and canker sores associated with teething.

Other indications

Apart from the treatment of canker sores, Borax is also indicated to relieve certain behavioral disorders and certain dermatology and stomatology problems. Among the disorders that can be treated by Borax is motion sickness, which is also called naupathy or motion sickness. This pain is usually characterized by vomiting, nausea, dizziness, sweating, pallor, significant salivation, anxiety and general malaise. Borax has the ability to stimulate the brain and fight against all these ailments. This homeopathic remedy is also indicated in cases of psoriasis, genital herpes and teething.

Dosage and method of administration of Borax

Regardless of the pathology to be treated, one dose of Borax corresponds to five granules. However, the frequency of taking it depends on the manifestation of the disease. For genital herpes and mouth ulcers, a dose of Borax 9 CH should be taken as soon as the first symptoms appear and repeated every two hours until the pain disappears. For motion sickness, Borax 9 CH or 15 CH should be taken every hour during the trip until the subject no longer feels unwell.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Even though the main indication for Borax is mouth ulcer, it should be noted that this homeopathic remedy should only be used in self-medication if the person has a good general state of health. If not, its combination with other medications can be useful, hence the need to consult a specialist doctor.

  1. Borax is the main indication ...
  2. Other indications
  3. Dosage and method of adminis ...