Hemosiderosis is an accumulation of hemosiderin in a cell or organ tissue. It is an insoluble pigment that contains ferric hydroxide, an element that is characteristic of hemosiderosis because the affected tissues are impregnated with small iron deposits. The organs affected by this disease then turn ochre. Generally, hemosiderosis occurs in the reticuloendothelial system, i.e. the liver, bone marrow and spleen. However, the pancreas, heart, and lung can also be affected by this disease. In addition, hemosiderosis can have infectious, hereditary or organic origins.
Symptoms of hemosiderosis
The onset of hemosiderosis symptoms can be very rapid or, on the contrary, spread over a long period of time. At the beginning of the disease, the patient is prone to chronic fatigue, a persistent cough and a permanently runny nose. If the subject is a child, he or she may be stunted compared to his or her peers. In pulmonary hemosiderosis, the patient regularly rejects sputum containing blood. However, hemosiderosis can result in respiratory problems following the degradation of the lung membrane. Finally, hemosiderosis can lead the patient to a lethargic state.
Homeopathic remedies for hemosiderosis
Ferrum Metallicum is recommended for hemosiderosis because it effectively treats anemia caused by insufficient iron in the body. The recommended dosage is 5 granules of Ferrum Metallicum 5CH per day until the iron level in the body has stabilized. In case of pallor of the face, combine this dosage with a dosage of 5 granules of Ferrum Metallicum 4CH three times a day. In addition, if the patient feels very tired due to hemosiderosis, taking Zincum metallicum is also recommended. Several remedies can be adopted against blood-stained sputum, including Arnica Montana at a high dilution of around 7 to 9 hours, as well as Bryonia Alba ranging from 4 to 15 hours for the dilution value.
When to see a doctor
The specificity of each case of hemosiderosis makes it necessary to consult a doctor to determine the best treatment. In addition, if after about ten days of homeopathic treatment, the symptoms persist, do not hesitate to consult a specialist. The worsening of the disease, which usually results in persistent chest burning sensations with a more pronounced coloration of the sputum, should lead the patient to seek specialized medical attention. X-rays of internal organs can also reveal larger infiltrations at this stage of the disease.