Hyperlipidemia is a modern-day disease characterized by a high level of lipid in the blood. This physical condition does not cause any particular symptoms, but it can generate long-term heart problems in addition to other health disorders.
Hyperlipidemia, excess fat in the blood
High levels of lipid in the blood are called hyperlipidemia. This excess fat is mainly due to an unbalanced diet. Today, we consume a lot of cholesterol-rich products, while the liver naturally produces cholesterol for various maintenance functions of the body. In addition, the excessive consumption of fast sugars (cakes, confectionery, jams, etc.) results in the production of lipids and triglycerides by the liver. Thus, there is good cholesterol, the one that has a beneficial effect in the blood vessels and the bad cholesterol, the one that, on the contrary, is harmful to the blood circulation. This is because it is deposited on the arteries and causes the accumulation of various substances that can eventually form plaque and clog these arteries.
Symptoms of hyperlipidemia
No warning signs of hypercholesterolemia or hypertriglyceridemia can be detected. In fact, when symptoms appear, it is because the arteries have already been largely affected. The signs can be chest or lower limb pain. However, other signs may occur such as the presence of xanthomas. Thick growths that can be more than one centimetre in size, they are benign yellow tumours formed by a dermal infiltrate of fat-laden cells. They can be seen on the buttocks, knees and elbows. These symptoms are usually detected when hyperlipidemia is very high.
Homeopathic remedies
Cholesterol can be treated with products such as Hepatine 4 CH, Cholesterinum 9 CH, Nephrine 4 CH and Pulmine 4 CH, which will reduce cholesterol by 10 to 15%. When a person has strong penchants for meat and butter and has digestive problems, Allium Sativium 12 CH in doses of 3 granules, morning and evening, should be administered. When you sweat at the slightest effort and can't stand the heat and if the preference is always for sugars, Sulfur 12 CH with a dose of 3 granules, morning and evening, is most suitable.
For cases of gynoid obesity with cellulite, presence of edema, for example in the inner corner of the eyelids, but also tendency to fatigue and bloating, you should take Kalium carbonicum. In case of android obesity, when you have a strong penchant for cold cuts, heavy and fatty dishes and are prone to digestive disorders with a feeling of fullness in the stomach, taking Antimonium crudum would be very effective. When the person has an exaggerated appetite with abuse of alcohol, spices and coffee and the tight clothing at the waist bothers him, Nux vomica should be prescribed as a daily intake.
When to see a doctor?
The extent of excess cholesterol can be determined by doing a lipid test by means of blood tests. Above 2.5g/l of total cholesterol, a doctor's consultation is essential. We must never lose sight of the fact that hyperlipidemia is the cause of heart problems.