Tabacum is a homeopathic medicine extracted from a plant called Nicotina tabacum belonging to the Solanaceae family. Fresh tobacco leaves are harvested before they bloom, and then will go through dilution and dynamization processes to prepare this remedy. Thanks to its antiemetic properties, Tabacum is recommended for the prevention of nausea caused by pregnancy or by various means of locomotion. Apart from this main indication, this homeopathic medicine is also effective in treating certain behavioral disorders.
Pregnancy and motion sickness
Tabacum is indicated for the relief of gynecological disorders in pregnant women, especially those who experience nausea accompanied by dizziness, fainting tendencies and profuse salivation. Similarly, this medication is recommended for people who experience motion sickness whose main symptoms are nausea and vomiting, pallor of the face, dizziness, and cold sweats, and who are soothed by fresh air or by removing tight clothing.
Behavioural disorders
Some behavioural disorders, mainly anxiety and difficulty concentrating, can be treated with a course of Tabacum. In addition, this medication is suitable for people who are low in spirits and irritable. Insomnia accompanied by anxious dreams are also among the indications for Tabacum. Some types of delirium, including delirium tremens, which occurs in a chronic alcoholic during withdrawal, are also soothed by taking this homeopathic remedy.
Smoking cessation
With a course of Tabacum, smokers can successfully end their addiction to tobacco gently. This remedy acts in the body of the smoker by reducing their pharmacological and psychological dependence on cigarettes. Indeed, Tabacum potentiates the effect of nicotine in the blood while promoting the elimination of this substance through the blood.
Other indications
Tabacum helps to reduce certain heart pains such as angina pectoris. Digestive disorders such as the emission of watery stools in the individual with diarrhea or cholera can also be eradicated by taking this remedy. In addition, Tabacum also helps to reduce fevers accompanied by cold sweats on the face and hands.
Recommended dosage in case of nausea
Nausea caused by pregnancy is relieved by Tabacum 5 CH, at a rate of 2 granules 3 times a day. In the case of nausea caused by motion sickness, the recommended dilution of Tabacum is 7CH. Subject should take 1 to 3 granules one day prior to departure, one granule just prior to travel, and one dose if symptoms appear during travel.
Recommended dosage for behavioural disorders
In the case of mental disorders sensitive to Tabacum, the advice of a homeopathic doctor is essential given that the patient often needs in-depth treatment. This will determine the dilution and appropriate dosage based on the various signs presented by the individual.
Recommended dosages for smoking cessation
To quit smoking, it is recommended to take 3 granules of Tabacum 7CH combined with Anacardium oriental 9 CH at a rate of 5 granules to be consumed morning and evening. Another solution for those who want to quit smoking gently is to use 3 granules of Tabacum 5CH in the evening before going to bed. The granules are to be sucked to increase the effectiveness of the remedy. In addition, other homeopathic medicines such as Caladium 5CH, Plantago D1 and Phytolacca D1 should be combined with the treatment.
Recommended dosages for other conditions
Tabacum in 5CH is indicated to relieve pain caused by angina. As soon as the attack begins, the patient should take 3 granules of this medication. However, if the patient's condition does not improve, it is preferable to treat him or her with trinitrine derivatives. On the other hand, for digestive disorders, the dosage of Tabacum will be determined by a specialist doctor.