Chickenpox is a viral rash disease caused by a herpesvirus. This disease is very dangerous for those who have immune systems weakened by drugs or any other disorders. Chickenpox is transmitted through contact with infected people via the air. The contagion can occur on average 1 to 2 days before or about a week after the onset of the eruption. Its incubation, which is silent, varies between 14 and 21 days. As for the disease itself, it can last from 7 to 10 days. During this time, the subject may experience headaches. Chickenpox is a disease that usually affects children. Once cured, they develop a natural immunity against the virus that is at its origin. However, adults, who have not experienced this disease during their childhood, are not immune to possible contagion. Even if the treatment seems more benign in children, it is possible, in both cases, to treat the patient in a short time.
Symptoms of chickenpox
Chickenpox manifests itself as skin reactions that cause a lot of discomfort. It often starts with a high fever that eventually moderates to around 38°C. But it should be noted that in young children and pubescent children, this fever is very high. Two days later, you see coloured marks that start by itching strongly and turn into pimples filled with cloudy liquid all over the body. The evolution of pimples leads to the appearance of scabs, often painful, which disappear after 10 days, giving way to small scars. It should be noted that pimples can appear anywhere on the body: scalp, mucous membranes, eye areas, buttocks.
Preventing and treating chickenpox in the early stages of the disease
Homeopathy can reduce itching and accelerate the healing of pimples. At each stage of the development of the pathology, appropriate treatment is indicated. Thus, to prevent chickenpox in a person in contact with a person with this disease, a dose of Rhus Toxicodendron 7 CH should be administered. In a patient who only has the first symptoms, it is recommended to administer Anagallis 5 CH to relieve the itching and to sprinkle it with Calendula talcum powder several times a day.
Treating chickenpox at the eruptive stage of the disease
At the eruptive stage of the pathology, it is advisable to have Croton tiglium, Rhus Toxicodendron, Mezereum and Antimonium tartaricum. Thus, it is advisable to start the treatment by taking 5 granules of Croton tiglium 9 CH every two hours, until all signs of itching disappear permanently. When the contents of the vesicles are citrin, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Rhus toxicodendron 15 CH three times a day for ten days, while in the case of crusty vesicles, it is preferable to use Mezereum 15 CH with the same dosage. Finally, to reduce scars after the scabs have disappeared, 5 granules of Antimonium tartaricum 5 CH should be taken twice a day.
When to see a doctor?
It is advisable to consult a doctor if high fevers persist despite the care provided. The presence of rashes in critical places such as the eye area, for example, also requires consultation with a doctor. In case of sharp pain in the eruptive areas, it is also necessary to consult a doctor without delay. Finally, for those who suffer from immune disorders, coughing or breathing difficulties, a medical consultation is essential as soon as any suspicious symptoms appear.