Relieving vomiting with homeopathy

Vomiting can be caused by several factors, and is the evacuation of stomach contents through the mouth. It can be cured with homeopathic products.

Vomiting refers to the evacuation of stomach contents through the mouth. This process results from the stimulation of a specific area in the medulla oblongata. It can be of digestive origin relating to indigestion or a gastric ulcer, neurological such as migraine or vertigo, or toxicological. Vomiting can also be caused by acute infections or pregnancy.


warning signs of vomiting are nausea, pain in the stomach or abdomen and heart palpitations. Several symptoms such as fever, stiff neck and loss of consciousness can also occur. In infants, immaturity of the digestive organs causes vomiting through gastroesophageal reflux. Vomiting is one of the symptoms of childhood diseases such as bronchiolitis, otitis, whooping cough and scarlet fever.

Treatments for vomiting of digestive origin

Vomiting accompanied by continuous nausea should be treated with Nux Vomica. The dosage is three granules to be taken several times a day. If the stomach pushes back the swallowed food, you should swallow a 7 Ch Ipeca granule every hour. Food poisoning due to the consumption of shellfish accompanied by violent vomiting and abdominal pain should be treated with Arsenicum Album in 5 Ch every hour.

Treatments for children and infants

In case of vomiting accompanied by diarrhoea, treat the child with Veratrum Album in 5 Ch. Diarrhoea and vomit exhaling a foul smell should be soothed by taking Arsenicum album in 5 Ch. Treatment with Cuprum in 5 Ch helps to reduce vomiting accompanied by stomach cramps. Young children who cannot tolerate the ingestion of fatty foods and vomit can ingest homeopathic remedies.

Treatments for pregnant women

Homeopathic remedies are to be combined with a diet. The use of Ignatia in 5 Ch at a rate of 4 to 5 doses per day helps to soothe nausea and prevent vomiting caused by the smell or sight of food. These symptoms are associated with the appearance of hemorrhoids or constipation. The most suitable treatment will be Sepia based on 9 Ch.

Consult a specialist

Vomiting in the elderly and infants should be particularly well observed. Their cause, duration and frequency are to be determined. Patients vomiting blood or coffee-tinged feces should seek prompt medical attention.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Teething can be responsible for vomiting in infants. The use of Chamomilla in 5 Ch as a homeopathic treatment helps to alleviate these symptoms.

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  2. Treatments for children and ...
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