While the BCG vaccine helps protect against tuberculosis, in some children, it can have unfortunate consequences on the immune system. Among the most common complications is the increased decline in resistance to bacterial infections. In very young children, symptoms are mainly observed in the ENT and respiratory tract. Thus, children vaccinated with BCG are particularly prone to frequent episodes of ear infections, laryngitis and bronchitis or rhinitis. The VAB or attenuated bile vaccine is the isotherapy of the tuberculosis vaccine. This is because this homeopathic remedy is made from the BCG itself, which is diluted and energized to obtain the remedy strain. For example, VAB is considered an attenuated vaccine against tuberculosis.
ENT indications
VAB is a homeopathic remedy mainly indicated for the treatment of side effects of the B.C.G. vaccine. Among these, we can note the appearance of many ENT disorders, including the development of ear infections, rhinitis and recurrent laryngitis. Indeed, if the child develops such symptoms following his vaccination, it is very likely that they are due to the vaccine itself. In such cases, VAB is the ideal remedy to solve the problem. This remedy can also be administered as a preventive treatment at the same time as the vaccine is administered. It acts as a real antidote by detoxifying the body of toxins from the vaccine.
Indications in pulmonology
Apart from its ENT indications, VAB can also be used to treat recurrent bronchiolitis. Bronchiolitis is the specific form of bronchitis in infants that consists of inflammation of the bronchioles. This is very often of viral origin and leads to the appearance of necrosis on the cells that line these organs. The disease is difficult to diagnose at first. Indeed, it presents itself in the form of a common cold accompanied by a moderate fever. Then, the symptoms of pulmonary tract diseases appear as coughing fits and difficulty breathing. VAB should remedy the majority of these symptoms and improve the immunity of the little patient. This homeopathic remedy thus makes it possible to avoid or reduce respiratory physiotherapy sessions and the use of antibiotics that are too taxing for the young child.
Recommended dosage in ENT
To remedy the harmful effects of the BCG vaccine in very young children, especially in the event of the appearance of repeated ear infections or rhinitis, it is often recommended to have them take one dose, i.e. 10 granules of VAB 15 CH, every six weeks. To prevent the harmful effects of the BCG vaccine in children, it is advisable to take the VAB 15 CH granules two days before vaccination and the same dose on the same day of the injection.
Recommended dosages in case of pulmonary diseases
If bronchiolitis appears following vaccination with BCG, the treatment is almost identical, i.e. one dose of VAB 15 CH every six weeks. Other practitioners recommend a different treatment. This consists of taking VAB 5 CH on the same day as vaccination, a dose of VAB 7 CH the next day and another dose of VAB 15 CH the day after.